Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Related ContentSpringboard Query API

    This endpoint finds and returns documents that are semantically similar. The request requires either:

    • The document.title with the optional field of document.description, or

    • The id obtained from the search result of the web page

    You cannot use both the document.title and the id in the same request.

    Send a POST request to the relatedContent endpoint to create a query and receive a response.


    Before using this endpoint, use the Authentication API with the scope value of connectedsearch.query to generate an access token. The access token is used to authenticate your requests.

    You must also supply the APPLICATION_ID value, as the request URL requires it. To obtain the value, click the Integrations icon from the Applications UI sidebar and then click the APIs tab. The value is in the Application ID field.

    Basic relatedContent request

    A basic relatedContent request requires one of the following strings that contain three fields and values.

    • probe.title, utcOffset, and sessionId

    • probe.documentId, utcOffset, and sessionId

    The request can contain either the probe.title or the probe.documentId. You cannot use both probe.title and probe.documentId in the same request.
    Key Description


    The name of the document. Documents that are semantically similar (not case-sensitive) to the existing document.title are returned. If probe.title matches the document.title of a result on the webpage, it is filtered out and not returned in the results. Cannot be submitted in the request if probe.documentId is submitted.


    The ID of the document. Documents that are semantically similar to the existing id are returned. If probe.documentId matches the id of a result on the webpage, it is not returned in the results. Cannot be submitted in the request if probe.title is submmitted.


    The difference between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and your time zone, formatted with six characters as ±00:00.


    Unique value that identifies the user’s session. Consider passing the session ID value from your user’s browser session as the value of sessionId. For more information, see the MDN developer documentation for sessionStorage.

    Example request using title

    The following example displays a minimal relatedContent cURL request using title.

    Replace APPLICATION_ID with your Application ID. Replace ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token you generated using the Authentication API.

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "probe": {
        "title": "Lost Horizon"
      "utcOffset": "-05:00",
      "sessionId": "864782f0-af36-4dee-8430-9e73d6006eaa"

    Example request using documentId

    The following example displays a minimal relatedContent cURL request using documentId.

    Replace APPLICATION_ID with your Application ID. Replace ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token you generated using the Authentication API.

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "probe": {
        "documentId": "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-6a092bd4-5098-466c-94aa-40bf68294303-68708807657148371333355819934570439731"
      "utcOffset": "-05:00",
      "sessionId": "864782f0-af36-4dee-8430-9e73d6006eaa"

    Sample response

    The minimum response returned is similar for requests using title or documentId, and includes a count of all possible matches as hits.

      "queryId" : "fd110486-f168-47c0-a419-1518a4840589",
      "hits" : 9,
      "docs" : [ {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-6a092bd4-5098-466c-94aa-40bf68294303-68708807657148371333355819934570439731",
        "rank" : 1,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Event Horizon",
          "document.url" : ""
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-fb148491-b39e-46d1-af33-44cd964d8ee0-34049685392290835527739651484332150529",
        "rank" : 2,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Lost in Space",
          "document.url" : ""
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-118109e5-7ec5-42bb-834d-e3cd41bba65f-47402309926353658638499384569395150502",
        "rank" : 3,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "The Lost Weekend",
          "document.url" : ""
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-d439fd0d-1edf-4982-b00c-51c94a5c0490-43870931094300738494010378876873965115",
        "rank" : 4,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Lost Highway",
          "document.url" : ""
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-1af001c0-cabc-4430-b3b1-c1d8f632e87a-34049685392290835527739651484332150529",
        "rank" : 5,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Raiders of the Lost Ark",
          "document.url" : ""
      } ]

    Advanced search request

    The following request using title includes all possible fields. This includes an example custom metadata tag, page.metatags.rating, which is requested as a value of the fieldList parameter.

    Example request using title

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
     "probe": {
        "title": "Lost Horizon",
        "description": "Paradise"
      "utcOffset": "-05:00",
      "fieldList": [
        "document.url", "document.title", "document.description", "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp", "page.metatags.rating"
      "sessionId": "864782f0-af36-4dee-8430-9e73d6006eaa",
      "limit": 5,
      "source": "",
      "analyticsData": true

    Example request using documentId

    The following request using documentId includes all possible fields. This includes an example custom metadata tag, page.metatags.rating, which is requested as a value of the fieldList parameter.

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
     "probe": {
        "documentId": "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-6a092bd4-5098-466c-94aa-40bf68294303-68708807657148371333355819934570439731"
      "utcOffset": "-05:00",
      "fieldList": [
        "document.url", "document.title", "document.description", "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp", "page.metatags.rating"
      "sessionId": "864782f0-af36-4dee-8430-9e73d6006eaa",
      "limit": 5,
      "source": "",
      "analyticsData": true

    Sample response

    The response returned is similar for requests using title or documentId. Five results were returned because the request contained "limit": 5.

      "queryId" : "fd110486-f168-47c0-a419-1518a4840589",
      "hits" : 9,
      "docs" : [ {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-6a092bd4-5098-466c-94aa-40bf68294303-68708807657148371333355819934570439731",
        "rank" : 1,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Paradise Road",
          "document.url" : "",
          "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp" : "2022-01-31T19:37:18Z",
          "page.metatags.rating": "3.4"
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-fb148491-b39e-46d1-af33-44cd964d8ee0-34049685392290835527739651484332150529",
        "rank" : 2,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Event Horizon",
          "document.url" : "",
          "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp" : "2022-01-31T19:38:04Z",
          "page.metatags.rating": "3.3"
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-118109e5-7ec5-42bb-834d-e3cd41bba65f-47402309926353658638499384569395150502",
        "rank" : 3,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Lost in Space",
          "document.url" : "",
          "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp" : "2022-01-31T19:41:23Z",
          "page.metatags.rating": "2.6"
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-d439fd0d-1edf-4982-b00c-51c94a5c0490-43870931094300738494010378876873965115",
        "rank" : 4,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Ruby in Paradise",
          "document.url" : "",
          "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp" : "2022-01-31T19:32:45Z",
          "page.metatags.rating": "3.5"
      }, {
        "type" : "page",
        "id" : "441eb3be-7de6-470a-8141-e416a15c7db1-1af001c0-cabc-4430-b3b1-c1d8f632e87a-34049685392290835527739651484332150529",
        "rank" : 5,
        "datasourceLabels" : [ "movies" ],
        "fields" : {
          "document.title" : "Exit to Eden",
          "document.url" : "",
          "document.sourceLastModifiedTimestamp" : "2022-01-31T19:28:22Z",
          "page.metatags.rating": "2.1"
      } ]

    Return only specified fields

    Use fieldList to only return the fields that you specify. For example, to see a document’s title in the response but not the URL or other fields, use "fieldList": ["document.title"].

    Analytics data

    By default, analyticsData is set to true and the request is included in analytical data. If you are testing a request and do not want it to appear in your analytical data, use "analyticsData": false.