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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Custom metadata tagsWeb data source

    The Springboard web data source allows you to ingest custom metadata tags from the <head> of your HTML files to facet and filter search results. These custom metadata tags do not affect search relevancy results.

    Add or edit the data source to configure which metadata tags to ingest and store. Metadata tag name and content values are transformed into lowercase alphanumeric values with no special characters.

    Springboard supports a maximum of 10 custom metadata tags per data source. Multivalued metadata tags are stored as a single string, regardless of their format.

    If the metadata tags you enter exist and contain values, they are ingested in the crawl and the values for those metadata tags and the number of occurrences for each value display in the Experience Optimizer Facets panel. If the content value of your metadata tag is empty, the web crawl does not ingest it. For example, <meta name="METADATA_NAME" content="" /> is not ingested.

    Metadata tag example:

        <meta name="METADATA_NAME" content="METADATA_CONTENT" />

    The value of name is mapped as a field, and the value of content is mapped as the value of that field. For example, the metadata tag above is mapped in Springboard as follows:

        "field": "page.metatags.METADATA_NAME",
        "values": ["METADATA_CONTENT"]

    Multiple pages can use the same METADATA_NAME value with different METADATA_CONTENT values. For example, pages could have a difficulty metadata tag. Each page contains one value for difficulty, such as beginner or advanced.

    Page 1 Page 2

    Metadata tags

        <meta name="difficulty" content="beginner" />
        <meta name="difficulty" content="advanced" />

    Ingested result

    "fields" : {
        "page.metatags.difficulty": "beginner";
    "fields" : {
        "page.metatags.difficulty": "advanced";

    When ingested, the metadata field can be used in API requests to filter and facet results.

    Facet example:

       "facets": ["page.metatags.difficulty"]

    Filter example:

    If the content value of your metadata tag is empty, the web crawl does not ingest it. For example, <meta name="METADATA_NAME" content="" /> is not ingested.

    Add or edit the data source to configure the metadata tags to ingest and store. These tags can be used to facet and filter search results.

       "filters": [
       {"field": "page.metatags.difficulty", "values": ["advanced"]}