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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    V1 and V2 Connectors

    There are two types of frameworks for Fusion connectors: V1 (also referred to as classic or built-in) and V2 (also known as plugin).

    V1 (Classic) connectors

    V1 connectors are developed with a general-purpose crawler framework called Anda, created by Lucidworks. Anda helps simplify and streamline crawler development, reducing the task of developing a new crawler to gain access to your data.

    In Fusion 5.2.0 and later, V1 connectors are included in the Fusion image. You can install connectors at any time through the UI (under Datasources).

    V2 (Plugin) connectors

    Fusion 4.1.0 and later supports V2 connectors, which utilize a Java SDK framework. Fusion V2 connectors are installed via Datasources in the UI or by using the Connector Plugins Repository API. In addition to the features and benefits provided by V1 connectors, V2 connectors offer:

    • Updates and improvements delivered separately from Fusion releases. Update a V2 connector by installing the latest plugin version.

    • Security Access-control Lists (ACL) which are separate from content.

    • SSL/TLS security.

    • Improved scalability. Jobs can be scaled by simply adding instances of the connector. The fetching process supports distributed fetching, allowing many instances to contribute to the same job.

    Remote V2 connectors

    V2 Connectors can be hosted within Fusion, or can run remotely.

    • Hosted connectors are part of the Fusion cluster. The same connector type on separate nodes can act as separate connectors.

    • Remote connectors become clients of Fusion and run a lightweight process and communicate to Fusion using an efficient messaging format.

    • Remote connectors can be located wherever the data is located, which might be required for performance or security and access.

    gRPC framework

    V2 connectors use Google’s gRPC framework as the underlying client/server technology. This offers:

    • Increased flexibility in the way services and their methods are defined.

    • HTTP/2 based transport.

    • Efficient serialization format for data handling (protocol buffers).

    • Bi-directional/multiplexed streams.

    • As of Fusion 5.6.1, V2 connectors using a gRPC backend can be run remotely.