Find your connector
Use this tool to find the connector you need. You can narrow down your options using a variety of filters:
Fusion compatibility. Use the Fusion version range filter to narrow the list down to connectors that are compatible with your version of Fusion.
Don’t want to use the Fusion version range? Uncheck the Apply range filter checkbox to turn it off.
Name. Already know the name of the connector you’re looking for? Use the search box to find matches.
Group. Connectors are grouped by use, such as databases, filesystems, social media, and so on.
Platform version. Choose between V1 and V2 connectors. Please note that V1 connectors are deprecated in Fusion 5.12.0 and removed in Fusion 5.13.0.
Key features. Some connectors offer important features and functionality, such as security trimming. Look for these details on the connector card or use the filter controls.
Apply range filter
Database connectors

Filesystem connectors

Hadoop cluster connectors
No connectors available for selected version range. Please choose a new range above.
Push content connectors
No connectors available for selected version range. Please choose a new range above.
Repository connectors

Script connectors
No connectors available for selected version range. Please choose a new range above.
Social media connectors

Other connectors