Solr Partial Update IndexerIndex pipeline stage configuration specifications
The Solr Partial Update Indexer Stage updates of one or more fields of an existing Solr document in a collection managed by Managed Fusion. It provides an alternative to the Solr Indexer stage.
When a data feed consists of an ongoing flow of messages about known documents in a collection, such as item price, inventory counts, or weather conditions at a location, this stage provides fast indexing throughput and can be configured to enforce data atomicity to guarantee that the index always reflects the most recent update.
This stage is configured with a set of update directives based on Solr’s atomic updates. At run time, it creates a Solr update by applying these directive to the data from a Managed Fusion PipelineDocument object and then submits this update to Solr’s update handler.
Solr’s atomic update functionality requires that the schema for a collection is configured so that all fields have the attribute stored="true", excepting fields which are <copyField/> destinations which must be configured as stored="false". |
Example Stage Specification
Configuration for a Partial Updater Stage in JSON:
{ "type" : "solr-partial-update-index",
"enforceSchema" : false,
"solrDocIdFieldName" : "id",
"solrDocIdFieldValue" : "<>",
"updatedFields" : [
{ "updateType" : "set", "fieldName" : "statusValue", "values" : "<doc.statusValue>" },
{ "updateType" : "set", "fieldName" : "lastCommunicationTime", "values" : "<doc.lastCommunicationTime>" }
"concurrencyControlEnabled" : true,
"skip" : false,
"label" : "solr-partial-update-index",
The expression <doc.X> will evaluate to the contents of the current PipelineDocument’s field named "X".
Types of Update Operations
The set of update operations are based on operations supported by Solr. They are:
'add' - add a new value or values to an existing Solr document field, or add a new field and value(s).
'set' - change the value or values in an existing Solr document field.
'remove' - remove all occurrences of the value or values from an existing Solr document field.
'removeregex' - remove all occurrences of the values which match the regex or list of regexes from an existing Solr document field.
'increment' - increment the the numeric value of existing Solr document field by a specific amount.
'decrement' - decrement the the numeric value of existing Solr document field by a specific amount.
In addition, this stage introduces experimental "Positional" operations which can be used to add, set or remove exactly one element of a field which takes a list of values (i.e, a multi-valued field).
'positionalUpdates' - used to add or set the value at specific position.
'positionalRemoves' - used to delete an element at a specific position.
When a collection contains two or more multi-value fields which are maintained in parallel so that taken together, they act like a table stored column by column, a positional update operation updates several data cells across one row of the table. To maintain this kind of column-oriented table, the positional delete directive must specify all the fields in the document which logically comprise the table.
Document Identifier Field
A Managed Fusion collection is a Solr collection managed by Managed Fusion. Underlyingly, a Solr document is a list of named, typed fields. The Solr unique key field stores a string which is the unique identifier for that document. There is at most one UniqueKey field per document, which is defined in the Solr schema. The UniqueKey field value is required. For collections created via Managed Fusion, the UniqueKey field is named "id". Other document fields may also store string values which can be used as a unique identifier.
Solr uses the UniqueKey field to find the document to be updated. If the data feed information contains a document identifier which is different than the identifier value stored in the UniqueKey field, then this stage must do a Solr lookup to find the UniqueKey value.
Optimistic Concurrency
Solr’s Optimistic Concurrency is a mechanism which checks whether or not a document has changed between the point at which an update request was submitted and the point at which the request is processed. Solr documents have an internal field named "_version_" which is updated whenever there is any change made to any of the other fields in that document. When optimistic concurrency control is on, update requests will be discarded if the current version of the document has changed since that request was made. This guarantees that the document will always reflect the most recent update. However, this require an additional Solr lookup to get the current document version number, which is submitted as part of the update request.
Performance Considerations
In order to send a single update request to Solr, without preliminary lookup requests:
The document identifier field should match the Solr collection’s UniqueKey identifier field.
Optimistic Concurrency should be turned off.
Positional updates are experimental and potentially expensive, since all the values for all fields being updated must be fetched into memory in order to perform positional operations.
Solr Date Formats
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", // Solr format without milliseconds
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", // standard Solr format, with literal "Z" at the end
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'Z'", // standard Solr format, with literal "Z" at the end
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S'Z'" // standard Solr format, with literal "Z" at the end
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.