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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Lucid.anda Connector Framework

    Lucid.anda is a general framework for efficient traversal of data repositories with a rich set of configuration properties that allow fine-grained control of the kind, amount, and rate of data retrieval. Specific implementations have different configuration properties according to the repository type.

    To see which properties are required/optional, query the REST API via the URL: api/connectors/plugins/lucid.anda/types/CONNECTOR_TYPE. For example, see the lucid.anda-web plugin properties:


    Basic configuration properties

    The set of basic configuration properties limit the scope of the crawl.

    The crawler fetches the contents of the specified startLink property, adding any found links found. The connector adds nodes to a database known as crawldb to prevent re-processing. This database tracks indexed nodes as well as which nodes found to be redirects, duplicates, or otherwise aliases of another node.

    Regular expressions can restrict the crawl either by defining name patterns.

    API Name / UI Label Description

    startLinks / Start Links

    A list of URIs to use as the seed URIs for the crawl.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    diagnosticMode / Diagnostic mode?

    If true, diagnostic information is written to the connectors.log:

    • excluded links and the reason for exclusion

    • if dedupeField or dedupeScript is enabled, the signature strings for each item are printed

    • if a rewriteLinkScript is configured, the re-written links are printed

    The default is false.

    restrictToTree / Restrict to tree?

    If true, the crawler restricts the crawl to only the tree of items below the provided startLinks. The default is true.

    For examples, see restrictToTree examples.

    depth / Max depth

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb. optional

    The number of path levels to descend. The default, -1, indicates unlimited depth, and crawls all URIs that match other definitions of the crawl.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    maxItems / Max items optional

    Defines the maximum number of items to retrieve during a crawl. This can be used to limit the crawl of a very large dataset to a smaller number of documents to gauge performance or to test pipeline settings.

    If this setting is modified mid-crawl where a crawl is started, stopped before it finishes, and then restarted, the original value is retained.

    If a crawl finishes and this property is then decreased, subsequent recrawls respect the new value, but the specific documents items retrieved are be an unpredictable subset of the original document set.

    The default is -1, to retrieve all documents found that are allowed according to other property definitions.

    includeExtensions / Included file-extensions optional

    Defines a list of file extensions to include in the crawl.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    includeRegexes / Inclusive regexes optional

    Defines a list of regular expressions to include specific URIs or URI patterns in the crawl.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    excludeExtensions / Excluded file-extensions optional

    Defines a list of file extensions to exclude from the crawl. Only the extension is necessary with no additional characters, as in pdf or .pdf.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    excludeRegexes / Exclusive regexes optional

    Defines a list of regular expressions to exclude specific URIs or URI patterns from the crawl.

    The URIs that match these regular expressions are not pulled into the datasource, so they are not indexed.

    For example, you might not want to index employee profile pages. If profiles are contained in, use the regular expression https:\/\/\/people\/.* where the .* matches anything after the path.

    The entries highlighted in the example below are excluded:

    Exclude regexes of personnel files

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    chunkSize / Chunk size optional

    The number of items to batch for each round of fetching. The default is 50 items.

    fetchThreads / Fetch threads optional

    The number of fetch threads. The default is 5 threads.

    fetchDelayMS / Fetch delay (ms) optional

    The number of milliseconds to wait between document requests. This property can be used to throttle a crawl in cases where too frequent requests may cause performance issues in the crawled website and the site does not have a robots.txt file in place to control incoming requests from automated agents. The default is 0 milliseconds.

    emitThreads / Emit threads optional

    The number of emit threads. The emitter is responsible for the output of documents from the crawler to Fusion.

    The default is 5 threads.

    delete / Enable Deletion? optional

    If true, the default, documents are removed from the index if they are considered "defunct."

    There are two cases when a document is considered defunct:

    • A document (A) used to have content and now redirects to another document that already exists in the index (B). In this case, document A is removed in favor of document B.

    • A document fails to be fetched because of a 404, a 500 error, network timeout, or several other possible causes of failure. In this case, the deleteErrorsAfter property is also used to indicate the number of failures to allow before removing the document from the index.

    deleteErrorsAfter / Delete fetch-failures after…​? optional

    The number of fetch failures before a document is removed from the index.

    The default is -1, which means documents that return errors on recrawl are never removed. If you would like document removed after a specific threshold, set this property to your desired threshold.

    restrictToTree examples

    Example 1:

    If your startLink value is, and this site has links to and, only documents at the domain are indexed.

    Example 2:

    Additional restrictToTree properties are described in Other configuration properties and include:

    • restrictToTreeAllowSubdomains - If false, all the startLink subdomains are excluded. If true, startLink subdomains are included.

    • restrictToTreeUseHostAndPath - If true, restrict the crawl to the startLink path.

    • restrictToTreeIgnoredHostPrefixes - Defines a list of startLink prefixes that are ignored during the crawl.

    This example describes what is indexed if your startLink value is, restrictToTree`is set to`true and restrictToTreeAllowsubdomains is set to true or false.

    In the table:

    • The headings in columns 2 and 3 specify the settings of the fields.

    • A ✅ indicates the URL is indexed.

    • An ✘ indicates the URL is not indexed.


    Is the URL indexed if restrictToTree is set to true and restrictToTreeAllowSubdomains is set to false?

    Is the URL indexed if restrictToTree`is set to `true and restrictToTreeAllowSubdomains is set to true?

    Fetcher Configuration Properties

    Fetcher configuration properties vary by plugin. Fetcher configuration properties are distinguished by prefix "f.", for example "f.maxSizeBytes".

    API Name / UI Label Description

    f.timeoutMS / Connection timeout (ms) optional

    The length of time to wait before timing out of connection requests, expressed in milliseconds. The default is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.

    f.maxSizeBytes / Max file size (bytes) optional

    Defines the maximum size of a document to crawl, expressed in bytes. Documents larger than this is dropped from the crawl. The default is 5Mb (4,194,304 bytes) per document.

    f.proxy / HTTP proxy (HOST:PORT format) optional

    The location of the HTTP proxy, if any. The proxy address should be expressed in host:port format.

    f.allowAllCertificates / Allow all HTTPS certificates? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, this disables security checks against SSL/TLS certificate signers and origins by skipping the hostname-verification logic. This allows certificates signed by anyone, including self-signed certificates. Hostname-verification logic restricts access to only those certificates which are signed by certificate authorities and certificates in the keystore.

    f.credentialsFile / Authentication credentials filename optional

    The name of the file within the crawler-container directory that contains authentication credentials. This file is in JSON format and should be located in https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/connectors/container/lucid.anda/data sourceID, where data sourceID is the ID you have given to the data source that will use the file. See also the section Web V1 Connector for more details about this file and the properties it should contain.

    f.sitemapURLs / Sitemap URLs optional

    A list of URLs that are sitemaps. The URLs added with this property, and all URLs found in each sitemap, is added to the list of start links for the data source and crawled accordingly.

    A sitemap URL that is a sitemap index, or a sitemap that links other sitemaps, is also supported. Each URL found in each linked sitemap is crawled in accordance with other include or exclude rules of the crawl.

    If the data source should only contain a sitemap as the main start link, the sitemap URL should be provided to both the start link property and also to the sitemap property. Sitemaps will only be treated as sitemaps when the URL is provided as part of this property.

    When using the REST API, the sitemaps should be provided as a list, such as: "f.sitemapURLs" : [ "", "" ]

    f.obeyRobots / Obey robots.txt? optional

    Boolean value, default is true. If true, the Allow, Disallow and other directives found in robots.txt is respected.

    f.obeyRobotsDelay / Obey robots.txt Crawl-delay? optional

    Boolean value, default is true. If true, crawl-delay directives found in robots.txt is respected.

    f.appendTrailingSlashToLinks / Append a trailing slash to link URLs? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, a trailing slash (/) is added to URLs when the link does not end in a dot (.).

    f.discardLinkURLQueries / Discard link-URL queries? optional

    Boolean value, default is true. If true, queries that are part of a link URL is discarded.

    f.defaultCharSet / Default character set optional

    Name of default character set. Default is UTF-8

    f.defaultMIMEType / Default MIME type optional

    Name of default MIME type. Default is application/octet-stream.

    f.respectMetaEquivRedirects / Respect <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" /> redirects? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, the web-crawler will respect <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" /> redirects embedded in the <head /> tag of source HTML itself, for example:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

    f.userAgentName / HTTP user-agent name optional

    The name to provide as the User-Agent name in HTTP request.

    The default is Lucidworks-Anda/1.0.

    f.userAgentEmail / HTTP user-agent email address optional

    An email address to pass with the user-agent information while crawling. The default is empty.

    f.userAgentWebAddr / HTTP user-agent web address optional

    A web address to use as a HTTP user-agent web address. The default is empty.

    Content Filtering and Selection Configuration Properties

    These properties are only used by the web plugin. Like the fetcher properties names, they have the prefix "f".

    API Name / UI Label Description

    f.filteringRootTags / Root elements to filter optional

    A list of HTML root elements whose child-elements are used to extract the website content. The default list includes body and head.

    f.scrapeLinksBeforeFiltering / Scrape links before filtering? optional

    If true, content is checked for links before it is filtered of other elements in accordance with other include/exclude rules. The default is false, which means links are extracted after other elements have been filtered.

    f.includeTags / HTML tags to include optional

    A list of HTML tag names for elements to include with the crawled documents. The default is empty, which means all tags are included. This property may be best used when there is a small list of known tags you know you want to include but also want to exclude all other tags.

    f.includeTagClasses / HTML tag-classes to include optional

    A list of HTML tag classes of elements to include in the crawled content.

    f.includeTagIDs / HTML tag-IDs to include optional

    A list of the HTML tag IDs of elements to include in the crawled content.

    f.includeSelectors / Jsoup inclusive selectors optional

    A list of Jsoup selectors for elements to include in the crawled content. Jsoup allows using a CSS-like query syntax to find matching elements. For more information on Jsoup selectors, see the Jsoup Cookbook section on Jsoup selector syntax.

    f.excludeTags / HTML tags to exclude optional

    A list of HTML tag names for elements to exclude from the crawled documents.

    f.excludeTagClasses / HTML tag-classes to exclude optional

    A list of HTML tag classes of elements to exclude from the crawled content.

    f.excludeTagIDs / HTML tag-IDs to exclude optional

    A list of the HTML tag IDs of elements to exclude from the crawl.

    f.excludeSelectors / Jsoup exclusive selectors optional

    A list of jsoup selectors for elements to exclude from the crawled content. For more information on Jsoup selectors, see the Jsoup Cookbook section on Jsoup selector syntax.

    f.tagFields / HTML tag fields optional

    A list of HTML tag names for elements that is added to their own fields. The new field will have the same name as the tag defined.

    f.tagIDFields / HTML tag-ID fields optional

    A list of HTML tag IDs for elements that is added to their own fields. The new field will have the same name as the tag ID defined.

    f.tagClassFields / HTML tag-class fields optional

    A list of HTML tag classes for elements that is added to their own fields. The new field will have the same name as the tag class defined.

    f.selectorFields / Jsoup selector fields optional

    A list of selectors in Jsoup format to put content into its own field. This property allows you to extract HTML tag elements and put them in their own field. Such as, h1 would make a field on each document with the content of the h1 tag on each page. You can then use field mapping in the index pipeline to copy that content to another field as appropriate for your schema.

    For more information on Jsoup selectors, see the Jsoup Cookbook section on Jsoup selector syntax.

    This property was formerly named f.fieldSelectors.

    Refresh Policy Configuration Properties

    Refresh policies are used to control which items are recrawled, so they only matter on crawls after the first complete crawl, and the default refresh policy is to simply recrawl all items. The refreshAll property is true by default to create that behavior, so the first step in configuring a refresh-policy is to set refreshAll to false.

    There are five types of refresh policies: "refreshStartLinks", "refreshErrors", "refreshOlderThan", "refreshIdPrefixes", "refreshIDRegexes".

    This is scriptable via a JavaScript function supplied as property "refreshScript", for example:

    function shouldRefresh(id, depth, lastModified, lastFetched, lastEmitted, error) {
      if (null !== error) {
        if (null !== error.getCause()) {
          if (-1 !== error.getCause().getMessage().indexOf("503")) {
            return true;
      return false;
    API Name / UI Label Description

    refreshAll optional

    Boolean value, default is true. If true, recrawl all items.

    refreshStartLinks optional

    Refresh all items specified in property "startLinks".

    refreshErrors optional

    Refresh all items that failed in any way last time

    refreshOlderThan optional

    Refresh all items whose last-fetched-date is older than this property’s value, in seconds. for example use 86400 to refresh all items that have not been fetched in one day or more

    refreshIdPrefixes optional

    An array of strings of prefixes. Refresh all items whose ID begins with any of these prefixes, for example "" to only refresh product pages in a crawl of a website.

    refreshIDRegexes optional

    An array of strings of regexes. Refresh all items which match any regex, for example, "./product/.\.html" to only refresh HTMP pages found under any "/product" path.

    refreshScript optional

    A script property that allows users to define a shouldRefresh() JavaScript function.

    forceRefresh / Force refreshing? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, recrawl all items, even if they have not changed since last crawl.

    If you make a change to your pipeline or schema that will lead to analyzing/indexing the text differently, you would want to recrawl all items. forceRefresh is different from clearing the data source because it allows you to clear the last-modified date and ETag while retaining its history.

    Dedupe Configuration Properties

    Fusion can be configured to deduplicate documents based on:

    • the entire contents of the document

    • the contents of a specified field

    • custom deduplication based on a document signature generated by a user-supplied JavaScript function genSignature() which returns a string. The Fusion UI Admin tool provides a JavaScript-aware input box which so that you can create and edit this function directly in Fusion.

    Dedupe works by maintaining a signature for each document, and ensuring that exactly one document appears in Solr for each signature. It does this by designating the first document it encounters with a particular signature, making it the "canonical" document. All subsequent documents with that signature are designated as "aliases."

    It keeps track of the current canonical document for a particular signature across crawls, and when a document signature changes, it maintains its guarantee that exactly one document with each signature shows up in Solr.

    In the case where custom deduplication is done either using a field or a custom signature, you must specify either the field or the JavaScript function, accordingly. The value of this string is found in the dedupeSignature_s field.

    If the property "dedupe" (UI control checkbox "Dedupe on Content") is true but neither a field or JavaScript function are specified, the raw contents of the document are used for deduplication. No deduplication signature is generated, therefore the resulting document does not have a dedupeSignature_s field.

    Here is an example of a genSignature() function:

    function genSignature(content) {
        var signature = "";
        if (content.hasField("h2")) {
            var values = content.getStrings("h2").toArray();
            for each (var value in values) {
                signature += value;
        return signature.length > 0 ? signature : null;

    This example finds duplicates based on the h2 fields in each document. This script assumes that the h2 headers in the documents have been pulled into a field with the f.fieldSelectors property. The entire content object is available here, so implementations of this class can dedupe on any combination of fields. The genSignature() function should return null when the fields needed to generate a signature are not present.

    API Name / UI Label Description

    dedupe / Dedupe on content? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, the crawler tries to de-duplicate content. This can be done with an analysis of the raw content of the document, or based on content in a specific named field (dedupeField) or with JavaScript (dedupeScript). If a document is identified as a duplicate of another, the URI for the duplicate document is entered into the crawl database as an alias.

    dedupeSignatureString / Save the dedupe signature string? optional

    Boolean value, default is false. If true, the deduplication signature string is saved as part of the Solr document in the field dedupeSignature_s, so that users can see the string used for deduplication. This string can be very long, and may cause Solr to throw an error about an "immense" term.

    dedupeField / Dedupe field optional

    A field to use in de-duplication. If no field is defined, and no JavaScript is defined with dedupeScript, the item’s full raw-content is used by default.

    dedupeScript / Dedupe script optional

    Specifies a JavaScript to perform custom de-duplication.

    The JavaScript should contain a genSignature() function to ensure proper functioning.

    Splitter Configuration Properties

    These properties determine how to process .csv and .tsv files.

    API Name / UI Label Description

    splitCSV / Split CSV files? optional

    If true, the default, CSV or TSV files are split. This means documents are created for the unique rows found in the CSV file.

    csvFormat / CSV format optional

    The format of the CSV file. The options are default, rfc, excel, or mysql.

    • default. Adheres to the RFC4180 standard, but additionally allows empty lines to be skipped.

    • rfc. Adheres to the RFC4180 standard, which does not skip empty lines.

    • excel. A MS Excel format, using a comma as the delimiter. In some cases, the Excel locale determines a different delimiter, such as a ;. Be sure to set the csvDelimterOverride if your Excel application is configured to use a delimiter other than a comma.

    • mysql. The default MySQL format used by the SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE operations. This is a tab-delimited format with a LF character as the line separator. Values are not quoted and special characters are escaped with \.

    The default is default.

    csvWithHeader / Csv with Header? optional

    If true, the first row of the CSV file is parsed as a header and each row is treated as column names, which become field names for the values in each document.

    The default is false, which means that column names are given numeric values as field names, starting with "0".

    splitArchives / Split archive files? optional

    If true, the default, .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .jar, .bzip, .bzip2, .cpio, and .dump files are opened and documents found within the archive is added to the index as individual documents.

    When archives are split, they are split recursively, meaning that multiple embedded archives will each be opened and indexed (for example, if a .tar file contains a .zip file which contains a .csv file, the .csv file is indexed and split into multiple documents according to the CSV-related properties).

    Note that .7z files are not supported at the current time.

    csvDelimiterOverride / CSV delimiter-character override optional

    Specify a column-delimiter character.

    csvCommentOverride / CSV comment-character override optional

    Specify the character used to indicate a comment row.

    csvCharacterSetOverride / CSV character-set override optional

    Specify the character set.

    Other Configuration Properties

    API Name / UI Label Description

    crawlDBType / Crawl-database type optional

    The default value is "`in-memory". The other legal value is "on-disk".

    Crawl-database type "in-memory" uses a RAMStore-based crawldb during the crawl. At the end of the crawl, it writes the crawldb to disk as a binary compressed file whose filename contains a timestamp showing crawl completion time, so the filename is: "crawldb.<timestamp>.bin.gz". This file is written to directory: https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/data/connectors/crawldb/lucid.anda/<data source-ID>/.

    Crawl database "on-disk" persists the data to disk throughout the crawl, resulting in files named "data" and "data.p" written to the above directory throughout the crawl.

    aliasExpiration / Alias expiration optional

    The number of crawls after which an alias will expire. The default is 1 crawl.

    retainOutlinks / Retain outlinks? optional

    Default value is true.

    When true, the entire set of links that every single item links to is retained and stored in the crawldb.

    In Fusion 4.x, enabling retainOutlinks and indexCrawlDBToSolr together will give you a copy of the links from each item as part of the Solr document, which can be useful for diagnostic purposes.

    Setting this property to false will lead to smaller crawldbs persisted on disk (in the case of both crawlDBType=in-memory and crawlDBType=on-disk), and in the case of crawlDBType=in-memory, less memory is consumed during the crawl itself too.

    crawlDBType=in-memory means that the crawldb lives in memory for the entire crawl and is only persisted to disk at the end, so not retaining the entire set of links for every item saves a lot of RAM.

    This property will make a big difference in memory and disk consumption for web crawls, where the vast majority of space occupied by each item in the crawldb is taken up by its links, usually. The crawldb shrunk by a factor of 10:1 with retainOutlinks=false for some web crawls. It will make a minimal difference in filesystem crawls, where only directories have any links at all.

    reevaluateCrawlDbOnStart / Reevaluate crawldb on start? optional

    Default value is false. If true, on startup, Anda will check crawlDb and remove all illegal links from the crawlDb. Used when link-legality rules have been changed to cull set of links stored in crawlDb.

    failFastOnStartLinkFailure/ Fail fast on start-link failure(s)? optional

    Default value is true. If true, a first-time crawl fails as soon as a missing-start link is detected.

    It is difficult to figure out why many pages are missing after-the-fact, given a set of start links, each of which leads to swaths of pages. For a first-time crawl, it is reasonable to expect that all start links are valid, therefore, this property is true by default.

    rewriteLinkScript / Link re-writing script optional

    Specifies a JavaScript to perform link rewriting.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    restrictToTreeAllowSubdomains / Allow sub-domains in restrictToTree? optional

    If true, this allows links from any sub-domain of a URI in the startURIs list to pass link-legality checks. The default is false.

    For examples, see restrictToTree examples.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    restrictToTreeUseHostAndPath / Use paths in restrictToTree? optional

    If true, the paths provided in URIs within the startLinks list is used as part of link-legality checks. The default is false.

    Use this if you only want pages under the defined path(s) to be crawled instead of all documents found in the http://host.domain tree. For example, if you define "" as your startLink and only want to crawl URLs that start with that string, choose this option.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    restrictToTreeIgnoredHostPrefixes / Ignored host prefixes optional

    Defines a list of host prefixes to ignore when evaluating the list of legal links. For example, adding www. to this list allows URIs that have a valid host, but would otherwise be ignored because of the presence of the www. prefix.

    Changing this field after crawling the content requires you to clear the crawldb.

    legalURISchemes / Legal URI schemes optional

    A list of URI schemes that are considered legal URIs for the crawl. This is expressed as a list in the REST API. The default is a list containing only *, which makes all schemes legal.

    retryEmit / Retry emitting? optional

    If true, the default, when a batch emit fails, documents are tried one-by-one.

    reevaluateCrawlDbOnStart / Reevaluate crawldb on start? optional

    If true, existing crawl database entries are evaluated for legality at the start of the crawl. This allows for changing link legality rules (legalURISchemes) between crawls and then purging the crawl database of newly prohibited items.

    The default is false.

    collection / Collection optional

    The name of the document collection that documents are indexed into.

    initial_mapping / Initial field mapping optional

    A JSON map that applies a set of field mappings specific to a data source which is applied before documents are sent to the index pipeline. The index pipeline may also include an additional field mapping stage. This could be useful if a single field mapping stage is used with multiple data sources; in this case, the initial_mapping property could be used to prepare incoming documents for the index pipeline stage.

    When using the API, the JSON map should look the same as a field-mapping index stage, such as:

    "initial_mapping": {
       "mappings": [

    The crawler provides a default initial mapping for web type crawls.

    db / Connector DB optional

    Allows overriding the default ConnectorDb implementation. If it is not defined, the default is used, which is defined in https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/connectors/plugins/PLUGIN_ID/connectors.json . In most cases changing this property will not be required. If however, you find you need to change this, you can define a new ConnectorDb with the following additional properties. * type. a fully qualified class name of a subclass of ConnectorDb. If missing, the default is set to com.lucidworks.connectors.db.impl.MapDbConnectorDb, which is a MapDb-based on-disk implementation suitable for typical workloads. * inlinks. If true, the database will process and maintain a list of incoming links for each document. This can be costly to performance, so this is set to false by default. * aliases. If true, the database will process and maintain a list of aliases. This can be costly to performance, so this is set to false by default. * inv_aliases. If true, the database will process and maintain a list of inverted aliases. This can be costly to performance, so this is set to false by default.

    Property indexCrawlDBToSolr - index most recent crawldb in Solr

    This section is only relevant to Fusion 4.x.

    The boolean property indexCrawlDBToSolr when true, creates a Solr collection called crawldb_<data source-ID> which holds the crawldb for the most recently completed crawl. The default value is false.

    The crawl must finish. Nothing is recorded if a crawl is stopped. Restricting the contents of the Solr collection to the most recently completed crawl limits the collection from growing very large over time. It means that at the point where a data source is used to recrawl a website or filesystem, all information about previous crawls are deleted.

    The resulting Solr documents have the following fields:

    • id. The Solr uniqueKey field. The value is the concatenation of the map/table in the crawldb to which the doc belongs(see below), and the document ID. The two parts of the composite ID are separated by a | (gate/pipe) character. For example, the id of a document representing a FINISHED_MAP entry for a web page in a web crawl would look like: FINISHED_MAP|

    • crawlCycle_ti. The crawl iteration, for example, 1 for the initial crawl, 2 for the first recrawl, etc.

    • map_s. The map to which a document belongs in the crawldb

    There are 6 kinds of information recorded:







    ALIAS_MAP is a mapping of all aliases (for example redirects in a web crawl, symlinks in a filesystem crawl, etc.) to their canonical targets. INVERSE_ALIAS_MAP is the opposite: a mapping of canonicals to all of their aliases. FINISHED_MAP is all items that have been successfully indexed. ERRORS_MAP is all errors. SIGNATURES_MAP will only be there if dedupe is enabled, and it is a mapping of long signature hashes to their canonical item-ID. DELETED_MAP is all of the docs that were deleted in Solr in the last crawl, for example 404s that have failed enough times to be deleted in a web crawl.

    FINISHED_MAP and ERRORS_MAP are the maps whose values are actual CrawlItem objects in the crawldb and have the same set of fields, of which the following are useful:

    • parentID_s

    • depth_ti

    • fetchedDate_tdt

    • emittedDate_tdt

    • lastModified_tdt

    • contentSignature_s

    • discardMessage_s

    • links_ss

    Querying a crawldb Solr index

    To see all errors with the exception that caused the error:


    To see all deleted items with any exception that lead to deleting them:


    To see all items discovered via links on a particular page:

    /solr/crawldb_mywebcrawl/select?q=parentID_s:<some ID>

    To see all aliases of a particular page:

    /solr/crawldb_mywebcrawl/select?q=id:INVERSE_ALIAS_MAP|<some ID>

    Find all pages fetched in the last 24 hours:

    /solr/crawldb_mywebcrawl/select?q=fetchedDate_tdt:[NOW-24HOURS TO NOW]