Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9


    Pages let you create and customize screens that align Commerce Studio with your website’s search experience. These pages are a valuable tool to create, test, and refine how users interact with your site.

    To test search scenarios using the pages, you can set up and manage rules in Ranking Rules and Visual Editor. Then, you can test your customer’s search experience in both Visual Editor and Live Site Simulator.

    Key pages to build

    The number and types of pages you build depends on your business and use case. In general, it’s helpful to create the following pages:

    • A landing page. What do customers see when they arrive on your website?

    • Category pages. How are your products organized?

    • Campaign pages. Does your website have pages for sales, bestselling items, or special promotions?

    Experiment with different versions of the same page. For example, create multiple landing pages to try out new product layouts and see how that affects discoverability.

    Manage pages

    To get started working with pages, navigate to the Pages screen.

    Configure Typeahead

    You can configure typeahead settings for all pages.

    1. Click Typeahead Settings > Create Typeahead.

    2. In the Query Profile field, enter the Fusion query profile name to use. This value must match an existing Fusion query profile, which points your search application to the specified static endpoint.

    3. Click the Layout and Item Fields tab to add fields.

    4. Click Add Field.

    Create Commerce Studio Instance

    1. In the Field Name, enter the field name from your site’s database that will be searched to find possible matches when the customer enters search terms.

    2. Select a Field Style from the menu. The options are price to display money amounts, url to display the URL where the data is located, or generic to display text.

    3. Click Create.

    Create a page

    A page is comprised of Facets, Recommendations, and Results Lists.

    1. Click Create New Page.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the page.

    3. Optional: In the Description field, enter user-defined text to describe the page.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Click Add New Sections and select an option from the menu:

      • Facets

      • Recommendations

      • Result List

    This example adds Facets, but the same fields are required if you add Recommendations or Result List.

    Create facet

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the section.

    2. In the Query Profile field, enter the Fusion query profile name to use. This value must match an existing Fusion query profile, which points your search application to the specified static endpoint.

    To view the steps for a specific page type, click the title tab.

    1. Click the Facets Field tab to add facets.

    2. Click Add Facets.

    Here is an example adding a product color facet.

    Create facet

    1. In the Facet Field, enter the field name that will be identified as a facet.

    2. Select the Facet Type. The values are:

      • Field, which does not include a range.

      • Range and then enter Range Start value, the Range End value, and the Range Gap value, which designates the span of the range as a value to be added to the lower boundary.

    3. Click the Advanced toggle to specify the following settings for the facet:

      • In the Select Type field, specify if the facet supports a single selection, or multiple selections.

      • In the Facet Sort field, specify the order of the facet field constraints. The values are by count and by the order of the index.

      • In the Min Count field, enter the minimum counts required for a facet field to be included in the response.

      • In the Boost Values field, enter the list of values to boost, in the order you want them included.

      • In the Bury Values field, enter the list of values to bury, in the order you want them included.

      • In the Suppress Values field, enter the list of values to remove from the response.

    4. Click Add Response Value to specify the Field Name that will contain the response for the facet and its Field Value . You can add multiple response values.

    5. Complete one of the following:

      • If you want to add another section, click Add New Sections, select the type of section (Recommendations or Result List), and use the steps outlined for that type to create that section.

      • If you have added all of the page’s sections, click Next. If you want to change the order of the sections, click and hold the section to move, and drag it to the correct place. Click Create New Page.

    Edit a page

    To edit a page, hold the pointer over the entry and click the pencil icon. Enter the changes for the specific page and click Edit Page.

    To edit the section order of a page, you must edit a field first.

    Delete a page

    1. Select the checkbox of the page to delete.

    2. Click the trash can icon.

    You can also delete the page if you hold the pointer over the page and click the trash can icon.

    To delete multiple pages, select the checkbox for each of the pages to delete and then click the trash can icon.

    Pages are deleted permanently. There is no way to undo this action.