Product Selector

Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Fetch Items-for-Item Recommendations (Collaborative/BPR Method)

    In Managed Fusion, you can download and import a query pipeline that works out of the box with the default BPR Recommender job.

    There are two separate pipelines attached below which work in different ways to query and return recommendations.

    Query for recommendations only
    1. Download the APPName_item_item_rec_pipelines_bpr.json file.

    2. Rename the file to replace APPName with the name of your Managed Fusion app, such as ProductCatalog_item_item_rec_pipelines_bpr.json.

    3. Open the JSON file, replace all instances of APPName with the name of your Managed Fusion app, such as ProductCatalog, and save it.

    4. Import the JSON file into your Managed Fusion instance using the Query Pipelines REST API:

      curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD < -XPOST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d@<path/to/filename.json>
    5. In the Managed Fusion UI, navigate to Query > Query Pipelines to verify that the new pipeline is available.

      This pipeline should be used to query the collection where the recommendations are stored. It makes a query against the itemId field and only returns the recommended itemId values. To get the actual items, you need to make a second query to the respective catalog collection with the returned itemId values.

    No additional configuration is needed to use this pipeline with the default BPR job configuration.

    Boost recommended products from catalog
    1. Download the APPName_items_for_item_bpr_boost.json file

    2. Rename the file to replace APPName with the name of your Managed Fusion app, such as ProductCatalog_item_item_rec_pipelines_bpr.json.

    3. Open the JSON file, replace all instances of APPName with the name of your Managed Fusion app, such as ProductCatalog.

    4. Fill in the collection name field in the first Recommend Items for Item stage and save the file.

    5. Import the JSON file into your Managed Fusion instance using the Query Pipelines REST API:

      curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -XPOST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d@<path/to/filename.json>
    6. In the Managed Fusion UI, navigate to Query > Query Pipelines to verify that the new pipeline is available.

    This pipeline queries the recommendations collection and then makes a subsequent query to the actual catalog collection boosting the recommended items and returning the actual items from the catalog. This pipeline will therefore also return recommendations even if none were generated/available.
    This pipeline expects a request parameter called id=<itemId> to be appended to the request in order to work. An example query URL to this pipeline would look like
    If the pipeline does not appear in the Query Pipelines panel, you may need to attach it to your app like this: Go to System > Object Explorer, click the In No Apps filter, hover over the pipeline, click the oe app menu icon, and select Add to this app.

    No additional configuration is needed to use this pipeline with the default BPR job configuration.