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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Run App Studio in Demo Mode

    This deployment type is useful for:

    • Evaluating App Studio

    • Previewing the UI during development

    • Demoing your UI

    In order to run your UI in demo mode, you need a downloaded project.

    From your project directory, run app-studio start or app-studio.bat start and go to http://localhost:8080/ to view your demo deployment. The code editor is available in the demo interface; you can hide this by using the --production flag.

    Start up in demo mode

    Run the app-studio or app-studio.bat script like this:

    app-studio start [--production] [-f] [-p port] [-m memory] [-t timeout] [-V]

    After startup, your demo deployment is available at http://localhost:8080/.


    Run App Studio in "production mode", with the code editor and wizard disabled. This gives you a preview of what your UI will look like in a production deployment.


    Start App Studio in the foreground. By default, App Studio starts in the background and sends stdout/stderr to app-studio-PORT-console.log.

    -p <port>

    Specify the port on which to start the App Studio Web server; the default is 8080.

    -m <memory>

    Set the minimum (-Xms) and maximum (-Xmx) heap size for the JVM, such as -m 4g which results in -Xms4g -Xmx4g. By default, this script sets the heap size to 512MB.

    -t <timeout>

    Set the startup timeout in seconds; the default is 120.

    Shut down in demo mode

    To shut down your demo application, run app-studio stop or app-studio.bat stop:

    app-studio stop [-p port] [-V]

    The optional -p flag specifies the port to which the App Studio HTTP listener is bound.