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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Configure Tokens

    This topic explains how to configure authorization, access, and refresh tokens. The information applies to the V1 and V2 connectors. The V1 connector is available in Fusion 5.2 and earlier. The V2 connector is available in Fusion 5.3 and later.

    Fusion supports two methods of authentication with the Box API:

    • JSON Web Token (JWT)

    • OAuth2

    Box App Users Using JWT has rather recently released a Box Developer Edition. The Box Developer Edition lets a user access an application without having to create their own Box account.

    App Auth uses the JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication architecture to establish a trusted connection with Box, allowing an application to provision and manage a Box account while minimizing the number of logins for a user and authentication services to manage.

    For this option, Fusion needs the inputs below to crawl your Box data.

    Required options are highlighted.

    UI Label,
    API Name

    JWT App User ID

    The Developer Edition API App User ID that you want to crawl as.

    JWT Public Key ID

    The public key prefix registered in Box Auth that you want to use to authenticate with.

    JWT Private Key

    Base64-encoded JWT private key for the app user you want to authenticate as. (Fusion 5.0+ only.)

    JWT Private Key File Path

    Path to the JWT private key file for the app user you want to authenticate as. (Prior to Fusion 5.0 only.)

    JWT Private Key File Password

    The password that secures the public key.

    The biggest advantage to using the JWT App Auth Users approach is that you do not have to generate new refresh tokens. The public/private key file combination remain valid indefinitely.

    Authentication Using OAuth 2.0

    For limited testing using a single user account, you can create a Box app that uses Standard OAuth 2.0 authentication.

    1. Log in to your Box developer account as the Admin.

      1. Open the Box Developers web portal.

      2. In the top right corner, click Log In.

    2. Open the page for creating a new app and click Create New App.

    3. Click Custom App, and then click Next.

    4. Click Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication), and then click Next.

    5. Name your app, and then click Create App. The name must be globally unique across all apps created by all Box users.

    6. Click View Your App.

    7. On the Configuration page:

      1. Click the Authentication Method Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication).

      2. Set the Redirect URI to http://localhost or This address is not used by Fusion, but cannot be left blank.

      3. Click Save Changes.