Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Add a Sidebar with Facets

    In App Studio, a sidebar is rendered using the simple layout:sidebar tag. Within the sidebar, the search:facet-list and search:facet tags contain the parameters that configure the facet fields and their display.

    Sidebar with facets

    <layout:block md="1-3" lg="1-4" drawer="left" id="sidebar" styling="blocksidebar-light">
                <!-- List facets and give them intuitive labels -->
                <search:facet-list facet-names="genres_ss" response="response" platform="platform" query="query" styling="facet-list facet-list-wrappedheader">
                  <search:facet when-field="genres_ss" show="10" search-enabled="true" platform="platform" query="query" max-characters="40" show="12" show-more="24" collapsible="true"></search:facet>
                  <search:facet show="10" max-characters="40" show="12" show-more="24" collapsible="true"></search:facet>