Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Add a Detail Page

    Table of Contents
    1. Add the following route to your routes.js or search.routes.js:

      .state('details', {
      url: '/{slug}/{id}',
      templateUrl: function (params) {
          if (params.slug === '') {
              params.slug = defaultPage;
          if ( === '') {
              return 'views/' + defaultPage + '.html';
          return 'views/' + params.slug + '-detail.html';
      controller: 'MainCtrl'
    2. Create a view called search-detail.html.

    3. Ensure that your controller, search.controller.js or main.js, contains the line, $scope.params = $stateParams;. Also, ensure that $stateParams is injected into your controller.

    4. Add a search:query tag in your search-detail.html page that contains a nested filter with the ID parameter passed in the URL as the filter:

      <search:platform var="platform" conf="YOUR_PLATFORM_HERE"></search:platform>
      <search:query var="query" parameters="" results-per-page="1" max-results="1">
          <search:filter field="id" value="{{}}"></search:filter>
      <search:response var="response" platform='platform' query="query">
    5. In your result, set your URL to link to the new detail page. Use that result’s ID as a parameter:

      <search:field name="title" url="search/{{}}"></search:field>

    Invalid characters in the URL

    If your ID includes non URL safe characters, you will need to create a new unique ID field with these characters removed.

    You can refer to these in steps 4 and 5 by doing the following:

    Step 4

    <search:filter field="my_other_field_name" value="{{}}"></search:filter>

    Step 5

    <search:field name="title" url="search/{{result | field:'my_other_field_name' | actual | encodeURIComponent}}"></search:field>

    Now if the user goes to, it will load that page with the ID passed into the URL.