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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Set Up Lucidworks Fusion Authentication

    The Fusion security provider for Appkit allows authentication against Fusion using the Fusion Sessions API. With this provider configured, an application deployed within a Fusion defined 'realm' such as native can securely authenticate a user against Fusion.

    These sections describe how to set up Fusion authentication using the Sessions API within an Appkit application.

    1. Add the security provider dependency

    Authentication against Fusion using the Sessions API requires Appkit’s Fusion security provider module. To enable this module, first remove any existing security provider dependency from the pom.xml under the root of the project and insert this within the dependencies tag:


    2. Update security.conf and add fusion.conf

    To invoke this module when Appkit starts up, add this to security.conf in src/main/resources/conf/security/:

    type: spring_security

    Then configure the session host, which security realm to use and the session timeout in fusion.conf in src/main/resources/conf/security/fusion. For example:

    session-host: http://localhost:8764
    session-timeout: 30
    realm-name: native

    The session-timeout parameter should be a time in minutes and be equal to your Fusion session timeout. By default, this value is 10. For further information, refer to the Fusion Session Api documentation.

    3. Configure security filtering in the application

    Spring Security operates using a Servlet filter which must be mapped in the web.xml file in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF:

    <!-- Spring Security -->
    <!-- Spring Security Ends -->

    This should be added as the first filter in the chain (at the top of the web.xml file).

    4. Instruct the application to use the Fusion security provider

    For integration with security providers supported by Spring Security, configuration is managed in the spring-security.xml file in src/main/resources.

    Leave the initial section of this file dealing with HTTP URL patterns as configured. Remove any existing authentication manager configuration below that initial section, and add this:

    <!-- Fusion authentication provider -->
    <beans:bean id="fusionAuthenticationProvider" class=""/>
    <!-- Authentication manager configuration -->
        <authentication-provider ref="fusionAuthenticationProvider"/>

    Now when a user logs into Appkit, if they have been successfully authenticated against Fusion, they will receive a session cookie that can be re-used to send subsequent requests. Access to Fusion in this way can extend for up to 10 minutes if there is no activity and up to a maximum of 8-hours if a request is received within a 10-minute interval.