Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Curate your search experience

    Predictive Merchandiser vs Experience Optimizer

    Predictive Merchandiser and Experience Optimizer are AI-powered tools that provide insights, customer recommendations, and search optimization.

    Predictive Merchandiser

    Predictive Merchandiser is typically used for Product Discovery. For example, eCommerce sites use this product.

    Predictive Merchandiser

    Usage Screen Layout Image Display Other main result components

    Processes documents to provide product information, with a tendency to put more emphasis on displaying images.

    Thumbnail-based grid view.

    Larger images display.

    Less text, typically just a title.

    Experience Optimizer

    Experience Optimizer is typically used as a knowledge management tool. For example, a site providing news, information, or documentation uses this product.

    Experience Optimizer

    Usage Screen Layout Image Display Other main result components

    Processes files and documents to provide additional text and links, with less emphasis on displaying images.

    Optimizes a list view.

    Small thumbnails display. If no image is available, generic images display.

    Page title with heading and excerpt.

    In both Predictive Merchandiser and Experience Optimizer, items chosen as most important are put into zones and shown for all users with natural search results. You can pin products, files, or folders as the first links.

    Choose the product solution in the Managed Fusion UI

    This selection is permanent for the application and cannot be changed. Please select based on your decision from information provided in Predictive Merchandiser vs Experience Optimizer.

    To choose your product solution, sign in to Managed Fusion and access your application. When you click Relevance > Rules for the first time, the following displays:

    solution wizard

    • Select Product Discovery to activate Predictive Merchandiser.

      For more information, see Predictive Merchandiser.

    • Select Knowledge Management to activate Experience Optimizer.

      For more information, see Experience Optimizer.