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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Remove words

    Use a Remove Words query rewrite to remove particular phrases from queries. Unlike other rewrites, Remove Words rules are entered manually and aren’t generated by a job.

    Remove Words screen

    You can create a Remove Words query rewrite to remove words from a query. This query rewrite is helpful when a word in the search query does not add value to the search results.

    For example, you can rewrite a search query for case study examples to remove examples and then display results for case study.

    1. From the list of query rewrite options, select Remove Words. A form appears:

      Create remove words query rewrite

    2. This form contains the following fields:

    Parameter Description Example Value

    Phrase to remove

    The words to remove from the trigger phrase.


    Trigger phrases

    The query that prompts the removal of the phrase. The trigger phrase is not necessarily a complete query. If the query contains the trigger phrase, then Fusion removes the phrase in the Phrase to Remove field.

    case study examples

    1. Enter a phrase to remove and a trigger phrase. Note that the phrase to remove is auto-populated with the query.

    2. Click Save.

    The search is re-run, and a Search box information panel drops down to show that the new query rewrite has fired:

    Remove words rewrite results

    To learn how to use Remove Words and other query rewrites in the Rules Editor, see Use Query Rewrites in the Rules Editor.