Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9


    Business rule actions define what actions are taken when a rule fires.

    Some rule actions are only available to specific version of Managed Fusion.

    Configuration options

    The Banner action returns an image outside of the search results that can be displayed in the frontend.

    For example, an e-commerce website may display a banner to promote a sale or new product release.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Banner URL

    The URL of the desired banner image.

    Banner zone

    An arbitrary value used by the frontend, generally to instruct the search application where to place the banner image.


    Block list

    The Block List action blocks the associated values from appearing in the search results.

    For example, a workplace may block documents that the user does not have permission to view.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Boost attributes

    The Boost Attributes action boosts documents with specific attributes in a search. Boosts can be additive or multiplicative.

    For example, an e-commerce website may boost the laptop manufacturer’s name if the search query contains a manufacturer.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Boost param

    • bq. An additive boost that is added to the main query’s score.

    • boost. A multiplicative boost based on document scores. This boost increases or decreases the score by a relative amount.


    Boost query

    The query that the boost will apply to.

    bq: category_s:"Small Business"^5

    boost: category_s:"Small Business"

    Boost list

    The Boost List action boosts documents with a large multiplicative boost so the documents appear at the top of the results. Larger boosts can override this action.

    For example, an e-commerce website may boost new or seasonal items.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Bury list

    The Bury List action buries documents with the selected values. This action minimizes certain documents without blocking them.

    For example, a workplace may bury out-of-date documents.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Filter list

    The Filter List action applies filter queries (fq) to the query and changes the results so a pre-selected set of content displays.

    For example, an e-commerce website may display only movies rated G or PG when a user searches for children’s movies.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Ingroup actions

    Ingroup actions perform a specific action within a product group. You can boost, bury, or pin specific items within a group.

    Ingroup actions require a grouping field to perform the action within.

    Ingroup boost list

    The Ingroup Boost List action boosts an item within a product group. This action does not boost the product group.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Grouping field

    The name of the group field that the rule action applies to. This group field must have a group-field parameter or the rule does not apply.


    Ingroup bury list

    The Ingroup Bury List action buries an item within a product group. This action does not bury the product group.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Grouping field

    The name of the group field that the rule action applies to. This group field must have a group-field parameter or the rule does not apply.


    Ingroup pinned

    The Ingroup Pinned action sticks a document to a specific location within a product group. This ensures that users view a result in a specified place. This action does not pin the product group.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Field values

    The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    Voyager Jacket

    Grouping field

    The name of the group field that the rule action applies to. This group field must have a group-field parameter or the rule does not apply.


    Pin within a specific group value

    The values of the grouping field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available. Only a single group value is supported.


    Pinned documents

    The individual documents that the rule action applies to.

    Summit Pants (red)


    The Pinned action sticks a document to a specific location within the search results. This ensures that users view a result in a specified place.

    For example, a workplace may pin documents answering frequently asked questions.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the rule action applies to. The documents in the datasource determine what fields are available.


    Pinned documents

    Individual documents to pin. Specify the following:

    • Value. The values of the field that the rule action applies to. The field determines what field values are available.

    • Position. Position within the results where the document is pinned, with 1 being the 1st result. Each position is available to only a single document.

    Value: 1000026

    Position: 4


    The Redirect action displays a message at the top of the search results that the frontend can utilize to redirect a user to a specific URL. This action guides users to the desired URL when the search query isn’t included in the collection.

    For example, a workplace may create a redirect action that displays a link to the internal help desk when an employee searches for "computer broken".

    Required Parameter Description Example


    The URL that the user will redirect to.

    Response value

    The Response Value action sends an arbitrary value to the frontend or pipeline, which the frontend of pipeline can use to perform another action. The Response Value action can be combined with other actions within the same rule.

    For example, an e-commerce website may use the response value action to display an advertisement.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Field name

    The name of the field that the response value is found under.


    Field value

    The response value that is included in the results response.


    Set facets

    The Set Facets action customizes the facets returned in the query response. These facets are different from the facets set in the Query Workbench.

    For example, an e-commerce website may display different facets on the homepage, the primary search page, and category pages.

    Required Parameter Description Example


    Position of the facet field in the list of facets, with 1 being the top of the list. Each position is available to only a single facet.


    Facet field

    The name of the facet field.


    Facet type

    The type of facet:

    field - A field found in the datasource.

    range - An accepted range for the facet field to exist within. Specify the following:

    • Range start. The lower bounds of the facet range. For example, 0.

    • Range end. The upper bounds of the facet range. For example, 50.

    • Range gap. The increment amount dividing the range, starting from the range start and ending after the range end is encompassed. For a facet range of 1-50 and a range gap of 20, 3 facets are available: 0-20, 20-40, 40-60.


    Advanced options for field facet types

    Select type

    Determines whether the user can select a single facet or multiple facets.


    Facet sort

    Sort order of the individual facets within the facet field:

    • count. Facets are sorted by the number of documents included in the facet in descending order.

    • index. Facets are sorted in alphanumeric order.


    Min count

    Sets a minimum requirement for the number of documents included in the facet in order for the facet to display.


    Boost values

    Boost individual facets within the facet field in the order they are added. This allows you to override the default ordering as determined by the Facet sort option. For example, you may want to boost tshirt and shorts over hoodie during summer months.


    Bury values

    Bury individual facets with the facet field in the order they are added.


    Suppress values

    Prevent individual facets from appearing within the facet field.


    Advanced options for range facet types

    Select type

    Determines whether the user can select a single facet or multiple facets.


    Facet sort

    Sort order of the individual facets within the facet field:

    • count. Facets are sorted by the number of documents included in the facet in descending order.

    • index. Facets are sorted in alphanumeric order.


    Min count

    Sets a minimum requirement for the number of documents included in the facet in order for the facet to display.


    Set Params

    The Set Params action sets a parameter name and value to a search query.

    For example, a workplace may use the name and value to display only specific filetypes in the results.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Parameter name

    The name of the query parameter.


    Parameter value

    The value of the query parameter.


    Update policy

    The manner in which the parameter affects the results response:

    • append. Add the parameter to the default parameters in the results response.

    • default. Add the parameter to the default parameters in the results response if it is not already included in the request or the default specification in the Solr config file solrconfig.xml.

    • remove. Remove the parameter from the results response.

    • replace. Replace the default parameter in the results response.


    JSON Blob

    The JSON Blob action returns an arbitrary JSON blob to your frontend when a business rule fires. The JSON blob displays outside of the search results.

    Required Parameter Description Example

    Blob Type

    An arbitrary value used by the frontend, generally to indicate what kind of data the JSON blob contains.


    JSON Blob

    An arbitrary JSON value used by the frontend. When the rule is triggered, the JSON is sent with the results response. This behaves similarly to the Banner rule, given that it returns the JSON object outside of the search results.

    {"parameter1":"value", "parameter2":["value_a", "value_b"]}

    Additional configuration options

    • Set response values. Combine Response Value rules with other rules for purposes as described above.

    • Use Query Elevation Component (QEC). Apply the rule action to configure the top results regardless of the document’s score. However, enabling QEC does not boost the document’s score. The QEC only supports elevation through the id field. If QEC is enabled but is not configured correctly in Solr, the rule does not fire.

      To use the Query Elevation Component, you must first configure your Solr cluster. Note that query elevation does not boost scores.

    The chart below shows additional configuration support for each business rule action:

    Action Response value Query Elevation Component


    Block List

    Boost Attributes

    Boost List

    Bury List

    Filter List

    Ingroup Boost List

    Ingroup Bury List

    Ingroup Pinned



    Response Value

    Set Facets

    Set Params