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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12


    When making changes to a query pipeline or query parameters that will affect users' search experience, it is often a good idea to run an experiment in order to verify that the results are what you intended. Managed Fusion lets you create and run experiments that take care of dividing traffic between variants and calculating the results of each variant with respect to configurable objectives such as purchases, click-through rate or search relevance.

    There are two ways that a search application might interact with an experiment:

    • Preferred: Using a query profile

    • Alternative: Using an Experiment query pipeline stage

    If a query profile is configured to use an experiment, then a search app sends queries and signals to the query profile endpoint. If the experiment is active, then Managed Fusion routes each query through one of the experiment variants. The search app will also send subsequent signal data relating to that query — clicks, purchases, "likes", or whatever is relevant to the application — to that same query profile, and Managed Fusion will record it along with information about the experiment variant that the user was exposed to.

    Managed Fusion generates and stores the data that metrics calculations use. It also automatically creates jobs that periodically calculate the metrics. After metrics have been calculated, they are available in App Insights.

    This topic explains the experiment workflow and basic concepts. These additional topics provide details about how to implement experiments to improve the user experience:

    Run an Experiment Tutorial

    The Run an Experiment tutorial takes you through the steps needed to run an A/B experiment to compare metrics such as click-through rate (CTR) and query relevance for two differently configured query pipelines. You plan the experiment, create a Managed Fusion app, index a datasource, and create a query profile that includes the configuration data needed for experiments. In Managed Fusion, you start and stop the experiment. A search app uses the query profile for Managed Fusion queries. Different users get different search results, but they are blissfully unaware that an experiment is going on.

    A/B/n experiments

    Managed Fusion’s experiments feature set implements A/B/n experiments, also called A/B experiments or A/B tests, where A and B are experiment groups with one or more variants.

    Managed Fusion’s implementation of an A/B experiment uses consistent hashing on a unique ID field (typically userId), concatenated with the experiment’s name, to assign each request to one of the experiment groups. Any future requests with that hash are assigned to the same group, guaranteeing user "stickiness".

    If you prefer "stickiness" only at the session level, you can send a session ID instead of a user ID.

    If you send no ID at all, the request is not assigned to a variant since there is no way to consistently assign it to the same one. In that case, the request uses the "default" configuration of the query profile or experiment stage.


    The following experiment is an example of an A/B/n experiment with three variants:

    • Variant 1 (control). Use the default query pipeline with no modifications. Each experiment should have a "control" variant as the first variant; the other variants will be compared against this one.

    • Variant 2 (content-based filtering with a Solr MoreLikeThis stage). Content-based filtering uses data about a user’s search results, browsing history, and/or purchase history to determine which content to serve to the user. The filtering is non-collaborative.

    • Variant 3 (collaborative filtering with a Recommend Items for User stage). Collaborative filtering takes advantage of knowledge about the behavior of many individuals. It makes serendipitous discovery possible—a user is presented with items that other users deem relevant, for example, socks when buying shoes.

    High-level workflow

    In an experiment:

    1. A Managed Fusion administrator defines the experiment. An experiment has variants with differences in query pipelines, query pipeline stages, collections, and/or query parameters.

    2. The Managed Fusion administrator assigns the experiment to a query profile.

    3. A user searches using that query profile.

    4. If the experiment is running, Managed Fusion assigns the user to one of the experiment variants, in accordance with traffic weights. Assignment to a variant is persistent. The next time the user searches, Managed Fusion assigns the same variant.

    5. Different experiment variants return different search results to users.

    6. Users interact with the search results, for example, viewing them, possibly clicking on specific results, possibly buying things, and so forth.

    7. Based on the interactions, the search app backend sends signals to the signals endpoint of the query profile for the experiment.

    8. Using signal data, an automatically-created Spark job periodically computes metrics for each experiment variant and writes the metrics to the job_reports collection.

    9. In the Managed Fusion UI, an administrator can view reports about the experiment.

    10. Once the results of the experiment are conclusive, the Managed Fusion administrator can stop the experiment and change the query profile to use the winning variant, or start a new experiment.

    Information flow

    This diagram illustrates information flow through an experiment. Numbers correspond to explanations below the diagram.

    Information flow in an experiment

    1. A user searches in a search app. For example, the user might search for shirt.

    2. The search app backend appends a userId or other unique ID that identifies the user, for example, userId=123, to the query and sends the query to the query profile endpoint for the experiment.

    3. Using information in the query profile and the value of the unique ID, Managed Fusion routes the query through one of the experiment’s variants. In this example, Managed Fusion routes the query through query pipeline 1.

    4. A query pipeline adds a x-fusion-query-id to the response header, for example, x-fusion-query-id=abc.

    5. Based on the query, Managed Fusion obtains a search result from the index, which is stored in the primary collection. Managed Fusion sends the search result back to the search app.

    6. Managed Fusion sends a response signal to the signals collection.

    7. A different user might be routed through the other experiment variant shown here, and through query pipeline 2. This query pipeline has an enabled Boost with Signals stage, unlike query pipeline 1.

    8. The search user interacts with the search results, viewing them, possibly clicking on specific results, possibly buying things, and so forth. For example, the user might click the document with docId=757.

    9. Based on the interactions, the search app backend sends click signals to the signals endpoint for the query profile. Signals include the same query ID so Managed Fusion can associate the signals with the experiment. Specifically, the click signal must include a field named fusion_query_id in the params object of the raw click signal whose value was returned in the response object in a header named x-fusion-query-id. If you are tracking queries and responses with App Studio, the fusion_query_id parameter will be passed with the click signal as long as you specify the appropriate response attribute in your track:clicks tag.

    10. Using information in the query profile, Managed Fusion routes the signals to the _signals_ingest pipeline.

    11. The _signals_ingest pipeline stores signals in the _signals collection. Signals include the collection ID of the primary collection and experiment tracking information.

    Metrics generation

    This diagram illustrates metrics generation:

    Metrics generation for an experiment

    1. A Managed Fusion administrator can configure which metrics are relevant for a given experiment and the frequency with which experiment metrics are generated. They can also generate metrics on demand.

    2. Using signal data, an automatically-created Spark job periodically runs in the background. It obtains signal data from the COLLECTION_NAME_signals collection, computes metrics for each experiment variant, and writes the metrics to the collection used for aggregated signals (_signals_aggr).

    3. In the Managed Fusion UI, an administrator can view experiment metrics.

    4. These calculated metrics are used to display reports about the experiment.