Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Use page metadata

    Access and edit page metadata

    You must be within an active template to use the More Menu.
    1. Sign into Managed Fusion and click your application.

    2. Click Relevance > Rules > Merchandiser.

    3. Click <strong>More Menu</strong>.

    4. Click <strong>Edit Metadata</strong>.

    5. On the Page Metadata screen, edit the information and click Save.

    Publish a template

    After editing your page metadata, your changes will not be applied until you publish the template. The Publish function is available from the Rules toolbar:

    Rules toolbar

    1. Click <strong>Rules Changed</strong>.

    2. In the Template Changed section, hold the pointer to the right of the page description to display the <strong>Publish</strong> button.

    3. Review the changes and click <strong>Publish</strong> to apply metadata changes to your site.

    Clone facet values

    1. On the Merchandiser screen, click <strong>More Menu</strong>.

    2. Click <strong>Edit Metadata</strong>.

    3. Select one or more of your existing facets and click <strong>Clone values</strong>.

    1. On the Merchandiser screen, click <strong>More Menu</strong>.

    2. Click <strong>URL Search</strong>.

    3. In the Domain URL field, select the domain URL for the website you want to search. For example, /

    4. In the Path URL field, enter the URL you want to search. For example, /products/managed-fusion.

    5. Click Search.