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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Manage user roles

    Table of Contents

    This feature is currently only available to clients who have contracted with Lucidworks for features related to Neural Hybrid Search and Lucidworks AI.

    This topic details how to set or change user roles in workspaces. Only workspace owners for the specified workspace can edit user roles in that workspace.

    1. Sign in to Lucidworks Platform.

    2. On the Lucidworks Platform welcome screen, click Users.

    3. Point to the user to edit and click View/Edit to the right of the entry.

    4. To change the user’s workspace role, select the role from the Workspace Roles field.

      Users designated as a workspace owner in a workspace have full access to all applications in that workspace and do not need permission to view specific applications.
    5. To grant the user the ability to train and deploy models, select Model Trainer in the Model Trainer Roles field.

    6. In the Application Roles section, select the user role for the Lucidworks AI application listed. For conceptual information about workspace roles and permissions, see Workspace roles.

    7. To save the changes, click Save. To exit without saving the edits, click X.

    After you save the changes, the user must sign out and sign in again to view the changes.

    Additional information

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