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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Invite users

    This feature is currently only available to clients who have contracted with Lucidworks for features related to Neural Hybrid Search and Lucidworks AI.

    This topic details how invite users to workspaces. Only workspace owners for the specified workspace can invite users to that workspace.

    Invite users

    1. Sign in to Lucidworks Platform.

    2. On the Lucidworks Platform welcome screen, click Users.

    3. On the Users screen, click + Invite.

    4. On the Invite user screen, required fields are notated with an asterisk (*). Enter the user’s information in the First name, Last name, and Email fields.

    5. In the Workspace Roles field, select the role for this user. The options are Workspace Owner and Workspace Member. For more information, see Workspace roles.

      Based on your role and permissions, you can select a role later using the Manage user roles procedure. To select application permissions, use the Add or remove users from applications procedure. If you don’t add access permissions now, the user role defaults to No Access.
    6. In the Model Trainer Roles field, select Model Trainer only if the user needs to train and deploy custom embedding models.

    7. In the Application Roles section, select the user role for the Lucidworks AI application listed. For conceptual information about workspace roles and permissions, see Workspace roles.

    8. To email the user the invitation, click Send Invite. To exit without creating a user, click Cancel.

    9. In the Users list, verify the status of the new user is Awaiting Activation.

    10. Point to the new user and click View/Edit to the right of the entry.

    11. In the Edit user screen, verify the information is accurate. To close the screen, click Save or the X in the top corner.

      When the user accepts the email invitation, the status displays as Active. If the user does not receive the email invitation in their inbox, ask them to look in the spam folder. If the invitation is not in their inbox or spam folder, verify the email information. If your troubleshooting efforts are unsuccessful, contact Lucidworks Support.

    Additional information

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