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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Create a Springboard applicationGetting started with Springboard

    Table of Contents

    This topic details how to add a Springboard application.

    1. Sign in to Springboard.

    2. In the Applications Manager screen, click + New in the top right corner of the Applications section.

    3. Select Connected Search.

    4. In the Create an application screen, enter a unique name in the Application name field. Required fields display with an asterisk (*).

    5. In the Description field, enter a short description of the application.

    6. In the Region field, select the region to store and query your application data in.

      Region selection is permanent.
    7. Click Create. To exit without creating the application, click Exit.

    8. To add a user now, click + Add User.

    9. In the text box, type the user’s name.

    10. Select the user’s name when it appears.

    11. Select a role for this user. An app admin can view, edit, and delete the application. An app viewer can view the application and cannot make any changes.

    12. Click Save. The user must sign out and sign in again to view the changes.

      All workspace owners are automatically added to the application. To exit without adding additional users, click Skip.

      If you do not add users to the application now, you can add users later.
    13. In the Applications Manager screen, verify the new application displays with a status of Under Construction.

    14. Select the new application and verify the status changes to Ready to Configure.

      The application is available for you to add and manage Springboard data sources.

    Additional information

    For conceptual information, see Applications.