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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Getting Started with Fusion Server

    This tutorial takes you from installation to application-ready search data in four easy parts, using a MovieLens dataset.

    • Part 1: Run Fusion and Create an App

      Download, install Fusion, and run Fusion, then create a Movie Search app.

    • Part 2: Get Data In

      Use the Index Workbench to configure an index pipeline, preview the results, and get data into the Movie Search app in a format that is useful for search.

    • Part 3: Get Data Out

      Use Query Workbench to get data out of the Movie Search app, explore the role of query pipeline stages, configure faceting, and preview search results.

    • Part 4: Improve Relevancy

      Use signals and boosting to make search results more relevant.