Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Query optimizationA Digital Marketer's Blueprint to Commerce Studio

    Optimizing queries is a critical part of ensuring that search results in Commerce Studio meet customer expectations. This article focuses on how Digital Marketers can refine user queries to improve accuracy and relevance in search results.

    Query optimization addresses common challenges such as misspellings, regional terminology, slang, abbreviations, and variations in phrasing. By improving the interpretation of user input, Digital Marketers can align search results with customer intent, enhancing the overall search experience.

    This process involves analyzing search behavior, identifying patterns, and applying targeted adjustments to ensure queries produce the most relevant and effective results. Through query optimization, the search experience becomes more intuitive and responsive to diverse customer needs.

    Correct common misspellings

    Sometimes customers fail to find relevant results because they mistype or misspell their query. You can set up query Rewrites to mitigate these bad queries and help users find what they’re looking for.

    1. On the Rewrite screen, click the Misspelling Detections tab and then click Add New.

    Add or edit misspelling detections

    1. In the Misspelled Query field, enter a misspelling you’d like to create a correction for. For example, computr.

    2. In the Suggested Correction field, enter a correction for the query. For example, computer.

    3. Click Publish.

    Handle queries with product model numbers

    If customers are returning low or no results because they’re using model numbers in their searches, you can create query rewrites to simplify their queries.

    1. On the Rewrite screen, click the Word Removal tab and then click Add New.

    Add or edit words to remove

    1. In the Words to Remove field, enter words or phrases you’d like to filter out of a query. For example, 15 pro.

    2. In the Trigger Phrases field, enter the search queries you’d like to filter the specified words from. For example, iphone 15 pro.

    3. Click Publish.

    Next steps

    Once your queries are optimized, you can take further control of search results by creating and refining rules. Rules let you adjust how content is displayed and prioritized, ensuring that search aligns with your strategies. The next article explains how to build effective rules and refine existing ones to meet dynamic business needs. This step allows you to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with your audience.