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    Query optimizationA CX Manager's Blueprint to Commerce Studio

    Optimizing queries is a critical part of ensuring that search results in Commerce Studio meet customer expectations. This article focuses on how Customer Experience Managers can refine user queries to improve accuracy and relevance in search results.

    Query optimization addresses common challenges such as misspellings, regional terminology, slang, abbreviations, and variations in phrasing. By improving the interpretation of user input, Customer Experience Managers can align search results with customer intent, enhancing the overall search experience.

    This process involves analyzing search behavior, identifying patterns, and applying targeted adjustments to ensure queries produce the most relevant and effective results. Through query optimization, the search experience becomes more intuitive and responsive to diverse customer needs.

    Rewrite queries based on customer intent

    If customers struggle to find what they’re looking for, or their queries return irrelevant results, determine if the issue is intent mismatches. For example, customers search for cheap sneakers, but sneakers on sale returns more results. Use query rewrites to address these issues.

    1. On the Rewrite screen, click the Synonym Detections tab and then click Add New.

    Add or edit synonyms

    1. In the Search Query field, enter a query you’d like to create a synonym for. For example, cheap.

    2. In the Synonym field, enter a synonym for the query. For example, on sale.

    3. Select the Synonym Matching Method you’d like to use:

      1. ONEWAY matches synonyms in one direction. For example, the query cheap returns results with on sale, but on sale does not return results with cheap.

      2. SYMMETRIC creates bi-directional synonyms. For example, sneakers and trainers queries return results with either term.

    4. Click Publish.

    Correct queries with missing words

    Underperforming queries could be the result of incomplete phrases or missing words. For example, a user searches sleeveless when they probably mean sleeveless shirt. Create query rewrites to address issues related to missing words as identified in your search data.

    1. On the Rewrite screen, click the Underperforming Queries tab and then click Add New.

    Add or edit an underperforming query

    1. In the Tail Query field, enter a query you’d like to improve. For example, sleeveless.

    2. In the Improved Query field, enter the improved query. For example, sleeveless shirt.

    3. Click Publish.

    Address abbreviations and slang

    Some queries perform poorly when they use slang or abbreviations. Create query rewrites to address these discrepancies.

    1. On the Rewrite screen, click the Synonym Detections tab and then click Add New.

    Add or edit synonyms

    1. In the Search Query field, enter a query you’d like to create a synonym for. For example, TV.

    2. In the Synonym field, enter a synonym for the query. For example, television.

    3. From the Synonym Matching Method list, select SYMMETRIC. This will ensure that both queries return results for each other.

    4. Click Publish.

    Next steps

    As a Customer Experience Manager, it’s important to understand how users interact with search and browse features. Analyzing search behavior provides critical insights into what your users are looking for and how they engage with results. The next article discusses ways to evaluate search behavior and interpret results to uncover patterns. These insights can guide future optimizations and enhance the user experience.