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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    List All Docker Images and Versions

    This article teaches you how to list all Docker images and their versions required by Fusion. This is helpful for creating a private repository for Docker images. You can compare your results with Docker images by Fusion version.


    Install the command line tools below before proceeding.

    • yq - yq is a Python YAML/XML processor. It runs with the command python-yq.

      To install yq on Mac, use Homebrew: brew install python-yq. For other operating systems, use pip3: pip3 install yq.

    • jq - jq is a command-line JSON processor.

      To install jq on Mac, use Homebrew: brew install jq. For other operating systems, refer to the jq download instructions.

    • Helm - Helm helps install, manage, and upgrade complex Kubernetes applications, such as Fusion.

      To install Helm on Mac, use Homebrew: brew install kubernetes-helm. For other operating systems, see the Helm installation documentation.


    Option 1: Using the Helm repository

    By using the Helm repository, you can specify the desired version or load the latest production version without finding the direct download URL.

    1. Add the Helm repository:

      helm repo add lucidworks
    2. Pull your desired Helm template with helm template, and filter the Helm chart with yq:

      helm template lucidworks/fusion --version 5.3.1 | yq -r '..|.image? | select(.)' | sort | uniq
      If you remove --version from the command above, the command loads the latest production release version.

    Option 2: Using compressed files

    If you prefer not to clone the repository, you can download individual versions directly.

    1. Pull your desired Helm template with helm template, and filter the Helm chart with yq:

      helm template | yq '..|.image? | select(.)' | sort | uniq


    Regardless of the option you chose, the output should resemble the following. Be aware that this is only an example and the output may vary.
