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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Enable or Disable Signals

    You can enable and disable signals using the Fusion UI or the REST API.

    When you disable signals, the aggregation jobs are deleted, but the _signals and _signals_aggr collections are not, your legacy signal data remains intact.

    Using the UI

    When you create a collection using the Fusion UI, signals are enabled and a signals collection created by default. You can also enable and disable signals for existing collections using the Collections Manager.

    Enable signals for a collection
    1. In the Fusion workspace, navigate to Collections > Collections Manager.

    2. Hover over the primary collection for which you want to enable signals.

    3. Click Configure icon Configure to open the drop-down menu.

      Enable Signals

    4. Click Enable Signals.

      The Enable Signals window appears, with a list of collections and jobs that are created when you enable signals.

      Enable Signals

    5. Click Enable Signals.

    Disable signals for a collection
    1. In the Fusion workspace, navigate to Collections > Collections Manager.

    2. Hover over the primary collection for which you want to disable signals.

    3. Click Configure icon Configure to open the drop-down menu.

    4. Click Disable Signals.

      The Disable Signals window appears, with a list of jobs that are created when you enable signals.

    5. Click Disable Signals.

      Your _signals and _signals_aggr collections remain intact so that you can access your legacy signals data.

    Using the Collection Features API

    Using the API, the /collections/{collection}/features/{feature} endpoint enables or disables signals for any collection:

    Check whether signals are enabled for a collection

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD http://localhost:{api-port}/api/collections/COLLECTION_NAME/features/signals

    Enable signals for a collection

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"enabled" : true}' http://localhost:{api-port}/api/collections/COLLECTION_NAME/features/signals

    Disable signals for a collection

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"enabled" : false}' http://localhost:{api-port}/api/collections/COLLECTION_NAME/features/signals