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    Fusion 5.9

    Deploy App Studio Enterprise to a Fusion 5 Cluster (GKE)

    This article explains how to deploy App Studio Enterprise (ASE) to an existing Fusion 5 cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) without using the Webapps service.

    Before completing this guide, ensure that your fusion.conf file points to the IP or URI and port of the proxy service.

    Run the App Studio Enterprise application locally and verify functioning security and search features with the cluster you are deploying to.

    Prepare the package

    1. Package your app into a single JAR file:

      ./app-studio package
    2. App Studio Enterprise includes a dockerfile. Create the App Studio Enterprise Docker image:

      docker build PATH -t APP_NAME

      Set or replace APP_NAME with the name of your application. Replace PATH with the path to build from.

    3. You can test the Docker image locally with the following command:

      docker run -it -p LOCAL_PORT:8080 APP_NAME

      Set or replace LOCAL_PORT with the port on your local machine that can access the app. Replace APP_NAME with the ASE application name.

    Publish the image

    You can publish the Docker image anywhere that supports Docker images. This section explains how to publish a Docker image to Google Kubernetes Engine.

    1. Tag your container for the registry:

      docker tag APP_NAME
    2. Push your Docker image to the Google Container Registry:

      docker push
    3. Verify the image:

      gcloud compute instances list

    Deploy the app to a cluster

    After publishing your ASE Docker image, deploy the image to a cluster. Your existing Fusion 5 cluster is a good choice.

    1. Switch the context to your Fusion 5 cluster:

      gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME

      Replace CLUSTER_NAME with your existing Fusion 5 cluster’s name.

    2. Create a deployment in your cluster using the image you published:

      kubectl create deployment APP_NAME

    Create an Ingress resource

    After deploying the app, create an Ingress resource for your ASE instance. If you require more Ingress rules, your Ingress resource will look different. Learn more about Ingress resources.

    1. Use the following command to create a minimal Ingress resource:

      cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
      kind: Ingress
        name: ase-ingress
          serviceName: $AppName
          servicePort: 80
    2. Verify the Ingress resource:

      kubectl get ingress ase-ingress