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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Import Data with the REST API

    It is often possible to get documents into Managed Fusion by configuring a datasource with the appropriate connector: Connectors Configuration Reference.

    But if there are obstacles to using connectors, it can be simpler to index documents with a REST API call to an index profile or pipeline.

    Push documents to Managed Fusion using index profiles

    Index profiles allow you to send documents to a consistent endpoint (the profile alias) and change the backend index pipeline as needed. The profile is also a simple way to use one pipeline for multiple collections without any one collection "owning" the pipeline. See Managed Fusion Index Profiles.

    You can send documents directly to an index using the Index REST API. The request path is:


    These requests are sent as a POST request. The request header specifies the format of the contents of the request body. Create an index profile in the Managed Fusion UI.

    To send a streaming list of JSON documents, you can send the JSON file that holds these objects to the API listed above with application/json as the content type. If your JSON file is a list or array of many items, the endpoint operates in a streaming way and indexes the docs as necessary.

    Send data to an index profile that is part of an app

    Accessing an index profile through an app lets a Managed Fusion admin secure and manage all objects on a per-app basis. Security is then determined by whether a user can access an app. This is the recommended way to manage permissions in Managed Fusion.

    The syntax for sending documents to an index profile that is part of an app is as follows:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-binary @my-json-data.json
    Spaces in an app name become underscores. Spaces in an index profile name become hyphens.

    To prevent the terminal from displaying all the data and metadata it indexes—​useful if you are indexing a large file—​you can optionally append ?echo=false to the URL.

    Be sure to set the content type header properly for the content being sent. Some frequently used content types are:

    • Text: application/json, application/xml

    • PDF documents: application/pdf

    • MS Office:

      • DOCX: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

      • XLSX: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

      • PPTX: application/vnd.vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation

      • More types:

    Example: Send JSON data to an index profile under an app

    In $FUSION_HOME/apps/solr-dist/example/exampledocs you can find a few sample documents. This example uses one of these, books.json.

    To push JSON data to an index profile under an app:

    1. Create an index profile. In the Managed Fusion UI, click Indexing > Index Profiles and follow the prompts.

    2. From the directory containing books.json, enter the following, substituting your values for username, password, and index profile name:

      curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-binary @books.json
    3. Test that your data has made it into Managed Fusion:

      1. Log into the Managed Fusion UI.

      2. Navigate to the app where you sent your data.

      3. Navigate to the Query Workbench.

      4. Search for *:*.

      5. Select relevant Display Fields, for example author and name.

    Example: Send JSON data without defining an app

    In most cases it is best to delegate permissions on a per-app basis. But if your use case requires it, you can push data to Managed Fusion without defining an app.

    To send JSON data without app security, issue the following curl command:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-binary @my-json-data.json

    Example: Send XML data to an index profile with an app

    To send XML data to an app, use the following:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'content-type: application/xml' --data-binary @my-xml-file.xml

    You can also create documents using the PipelineDocument JSON notation.

    Send documents to an index pipeline

    Although sending documents to an index profile is recommended, if your use case requires it, you can send documents directly to an index pipeline.

    Specify a parser

    When you push data to a pipeline, you can specify the name of the parser by adding a parserId querystring parameter to the URL. For example:

    If you do not specify a parser, and you are indexing outside of an app (…​), then the _system parser is used.

    If you do not specify a parser, and you are indexing in an app context (…​), then the parser with the same name as the app is used.

    Indexing CSV Files

    In the usual case, to index a CSV or TSV file, the file is split into records, one per row, and each row is indexed as a separate document.