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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Use Experience Optimizer Facets

    Add a Facet

    You can create rules that add facets by interacting directly with the Facet List in Interactive Mode. You can add facets that are set unconditionally, or facets that are only set when your customers run a particular query. For example, you might want to set a music genre facet when a customer navigates to the music section of your catalog.

    Adding a facet automatically creates a new rule if a default facet rule does not already exist. If a default facet rule does exist, adding a facet updates that rule with the new facet.

    Enable the Facet Zone

    In Fusion 5.4 and later, facets appear in the zone on the left panel of the Experience Optimizer, once enabled. Follow the steps below to turn on the facets zone:

    1. Click Start Task.

      The <strong>Edit template</strong> button appears.

    2. In the left panel, click +Add and enter the desired parameters.

    3. Click Done when you’ve finished.

    You can also add facets that are not dependent on rules being triggered. To do this, edit the Facet Zone widget (5.4 and later) or the Facet List widget (5.3 and earlier).

    Edit the Facet Zone widget (5.4 and later)

    1. In the facet zone, click +Add. The Edit Rule dialog box appears.

      Add a facet

    2. Click the Facet Field field, and enter the desired facet parameter.

      You can add multiple facet parameters by clicking the + Add button:

    Add additional facet

    1. Click the Save button to add your facet: Add facet

    Edit the Facet List widget (5.3 and earlier)

    1. Select Add facet. The Edit Rule dialog box appears.

    2. Select the Facet Field field, and enter the desired facet parameter.

    3. Click the Save button to add your facet: Add facet

    Add Additional Facets

    1. Hover your cursor above or below an existing facet. A + button appears:

      Add facet + button

    2. Click the + button.

    Move a Facet

    1. Hover your cursor over a facet. A menu overlay appears at the top.

    2. Click-and-hold the drag bar:

      Facet drag bar

    3. Move the facet to the desired location.

    4. Release the click.

    Remove a Facet

    1. Hover your cursor over a facet. A menu overlay appears at the top.

    2. Click the Remove button:

    Remove Facet button

    Block a Facet Item

    1. Hover your cursor over a facet item. A menu overlay appears.

    2. Click the Block button:

    Block Facet button

    Bury a Facet Item

    1. Hover your cursor over a facet item. A menu overlay appears.

    2. Click the Bury button:

    Bury Facet button

    Boost a Facet Item

    1. Hover your cursor over a facet item. A menu overlay appears.

    2. Click the Boost button:

    Boost Facet button

    Reorder Boosted Facet Items

    1. Hover over a boosted facet item. A drag bar appears.

    2. Click and hold the drag bar:

      Facet drag bar

    3. Move the facet item to the desired location.

    4. Release the click.