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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Deploying a WAR File

    Appkit runs in most Java servlet containers including Apache Tomcat, Jetty and GlassFish. The majority of our customers use Tomcat 8 for production systems.

    If using Tomcat, see the troubleshooting page for information on configuring the use of UTF-8 character encoding. (This resolves the most common issues with special characters.)

    Follow these steps to deploy an Appkit .war file:

    1. Ensure that Java 8 JDK Java 1.8 is installed.

      We do not recommend OpenJDK, which is installed by default in various Linux distributions. We recommend using the Oracle JDK only.
    2. Install your servlet container of choice, such as Tomcat 8.

    3. You will have been provided a web application archive (.war file) that contains an Appkit web application (such as twigkit-search.war). If using Tomcat, copy the provided .war file into Tomcat’s webapps folder.

    4. Start the servlet container.

    5. Several seconds later, a folder with the same name as the .war file will appear in the file system (for example, twigkit-search). You can then access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/{contextPath}, where {contextPath} is the name of the .war file (for example, http://localhost:8080/twigkit-search/). You can also access the Appkit logs in the file system at {tomcat}/logs/catalina.out.

    Congratulations, your Appkit application has been successfully installed.