Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Changing the Color Scheme

    The principle colors used in the theme are define at the top of styles/includes/theme.less:

    @color-primary: #273142; // Brand Primary
    @color-secondary: #202020; // Utility Black (Non selectable)
    @color-tertiary: #4CAF50; // Utility Green Links (Non selectable)
    @color-quaternary: #f7f7f7; // Utility Grey page bg
    @color-quinary: #d9d9d9; // Utility Grey borders
    @color-white: #fff;
    @color-black: #000;
    @link-color: #498fe2;

    Change the @color-primary, @color-secondary, and @color-tertiary variables to the desired color.

    For more precise control, the color of individual elements can be controlled in the styling partial stylesheets found in styles/includes/.