Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    History APIFusion Admin APIs

    Table of Contents

    Fusion stores history for each running service within the system. Usually this is used to log start and stop events for a service. However, the scheduler uses the history to store the results of scheduled tasks. For more information on schedule history, see the section on Jobs and Schedules.

    The History API provides information about the services that are running. The list of these services is provided by Introspect API, which is described in the REST API Reference.

    For more information, view the API specification.


    View the history of the index-pipelines service:


    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/history/index-pipelines::v1


      "events" : [ {
        "start" : "2014-05-16T14:11:48.849Z",
        "end" : "2014-05-16T14:11:48.849Z",
        "source" : "index-pipelines::v1",
        "type" : "start",
        "status" : "ok",
        "details" : null,
        "error" : null
      }, {
        "start" : "2014-05-16T14:12:48.845Z",
        "end" : "2014-05-16T14:12:48.845Z",
        "source" : "index-pipelines::v1",
        "type" : "start",
        "status" : "ok",
        "details" : null,
        "error" : null

    View items in the scheduler history:


    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/history/scheduler/items/1


      "events" : [ {
        "start" : "2014-05-16T15:34:49.008Z",
        "end" : "2014-05-16T15:34:49.435Z",
        "source" : "scheduler",
        "type" : "execute",
        "status" : "ok",
        "details" : {
          "status" : 200,
          "entity" : "{\n  \"id\" : \"TwitterSearch\",\n  \"dataSourceId\" : \"TwitterSearch\",\n  \"state\" : \"RUNNING\",\n  \"message\" : null,\n  \"startTime\" : 1400254489000,\n  \"endTime\" : -1,\n  \"finished\" : false,\n  \"counters\" : { },\n  \"exception\" : null,\n  \"running\" : true\n}"
        "error" : null
      }, {
        "start" : "2014-05-16T15:38:32.536Z",
        "end" : "2014-05-16T15:38:32.559Z",
        "source" : "scheduler",
        "type" : "execute",
        "status" : "ok",
        "details" : {
          "status" : 200,
          "entity" : "{\n  \"id\" : \"TwitterSearch\",\n  \"dataSourceId\" : \"TwitterSearch\",\n  \"state\" : \"RUNNING\",\n  \"message\" : null,\n  \"startTime\" : 1400254712000,\n  \"endTime\" : -1,\n  \"finished\" : false,\n  \"counters\" : { },\n  \"exception\" : null,\n  \"running\" : true\n}"
        "error" : null