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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12


    Your data is organized into collections. When you create an app, Fusion automatically creates a collection with the same name. You can create additional collections in any app.

    A primary collection contains the data that your users will search. Every primary collection is associated with a set of auxiliary collections that contain related data, such as signals, aggregations, and more.

    Under the hood, a Fusion collection is a distributed index in Solr, defined by a named configuration stored in ZooKeeper, with these properties:

    • Number of shards. Documents are distributed across this number of partitions.

    • Document routing strategy. How documents are assigned to shards.

    • Replication factor. How many copies of each document in the collection.

    • Replica placement strategy. Where to place replicas in the cluster.

    If your data is already stored in a Solr instance or cluster, you can manage this collection in Fusion by creating a Fusion collection that imports the existing Solr collection.

    Collection names are case-insensitive, but Fusion preserves case when displaying collection names.

    Auxiliary Collections

    Every primary collection is associated with a set of auxiliary collections that contain related data, such as signals, aggregations, and more.

    Some auxiliary collections are created for every primary collection. Others are created only for the app’s default collection, one per app.

    Auxiliary collections are described below:


    1 per app


    A collection of documents to use for rewriting queries, optimized for high-volume traffic. These documents originate from the COLLECTION_NAME_query_rewrite_staging collection. Certain Fusion query pipeline stages read from this collection:

    1 per app


    A collection of documents created by the Rules Editor or by certain Fusion jobs, not optimized for production traffic.

    Documents move from this collection to the COLLECTION_NAME_query_rewrite collection as follows:

    • Job output documents with high confidence contain a review=auto field and are moved to the COLLECTION_NAME_query_rewrite collection automatically.

    • Job output documents with low confidence contain a review=pending field. When these are approved by a Fusion user, Fusion copies them to the COLLECTION_NAME_query_rewrite collection.

    1 per app


    A search query logs and signals collection.

    1 per collection


    A collection for aggregated signals.

    1 per collection


    A collection of data to support App Studio’s social features, such as user-generated tags, bookmarks, comments, ratings, and so on.

    1 per app

    Don’t create primary collections with names that end in the suffixes above; these are reserved for Fusion auxiliary collections, which are created and managed by Fusion directly.

    Fusion maintains a set of Solr collections that store Fusion’s own log files and other internal information. These are called System Collections, described below.

    Don’t create primary collections named "logs" or beginning with "system_". These names are reserved for Fusion system collections.

    Fusion uses ZooKeeper to register information about all collections, and the Fusion components and services related to a collection. The Fusion components associated with a collection include:

    • Datasources

    • Pipelines

    • Profiles

    • Signals and aggregations

    • Analytics dashboards

    System Collections

    Fusion automatically creates some collections that are used for internal purposes and shared across all apps:

    • system_autocomplete stores the content that the Fusion UI displays when you use the search bar.

    • system_blobs stores blobs in Solr. This is used to store model files for the NLP components and other binary files used by Fusion components.

    • system_history keeps a record of configuration changes, start and stop times for services and experiments, and more.

    • system_jobs_history keeps a record of Fusion jobs, including start/stop times and status.

    Collection Configuration Properties

    Collections have three properties that you can configure only when you are creating a collection using the Collections API.

    Property Description Default behavior


    The signals property determines whether to create auxiliary collections with suffixes _signals and _signals_aggr.

    When you create a collection in the Fusion UI, signals defaults to true.
    When you create a collection using the Fusion API, this property defaults to false.


    The searchLogs property determines whether to create an auxiliary search query logs collection with suffix _logs.

    When you create a collection in the Fusion UI, this property defaults to true.
    When you create a collection using the Fusion API, this property defaults to false.

    *Signals are events with timestamps that can be used to improve search results. For more information about signals in Fusion, see Signals in the Fusion documentation.

    In schemaless mode, if a document contains a field not currently in the Solr schema, Solr processes the field value to determine what the field type should be defined as, and then adds a new field to the schema with the field name and field type. This behavior can be convenient during preliminary application development, but it’s rarely appropriate in a production environment.

    Using profiles to associate collections with pipelines

    Index pipelines and query pipelines aren’t connected to a specific collection by default. Index profiles and query profiles are configurations that create consistent endpoints for indexing and querying, each with a specific pipeline and collection.

    Field Editor UI

    The Fields Editor UI allows you to create and configure the schema file directly from Fusion. For instructions, see Fields Editor UI.

    Additional resources

    Lucidworks offers free training to help you get started with Fusion. Check out the Fusion Applications and Collections course, which focuses on how Fusion transforms your siloed data into personalized insights unique to each user:

    Fusion Applications and Collections

    Visit the LucidAcademy to see the full training catalog.