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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Objects APIFusion Admin APIs

    The Objects API lets you import and export objects between Fusion instances. Fusion objects include all your searchable data, plus pipelines, aggregations, and other configurations on which your collections depend.

    For more information, view the API specification.

    As an alternative in some cases, you can use the Fusion UI to migrate objects.

    For both the API and UI, migrating objects is intended for use within a specific Fusion version. See Fusion 5 Upgrades to migrate objects from one Fusion version to a specific Fusion 5.x release.

    You can select all objects, or limit the operation to specific object types or IDs. In addition to export/import endpoints, a validation endpoint is provided for troubleshooting.

    By default, system-created collections are not exported. See below for details.

    Object export and import

    Collections and encrypted values are treated specially; details are provided below. During import, conflicts are resolved according to the specified import policy.

    For objects other than collections, no implicit filtering is performed; all objects are included by default. However, on export you can filter by type and ID.

    Supported objects

    Fusion lets you export and import object types. ZIP files are the output for all file types listed. To filter by type, use the values below with the type query string parameter; see the examples below.

    Object type Value



    The deep parameter is not needed for this object type. In the case of apps, all linked objects are included by default.

    Appkit apps




    collections (with their dependent objects)

    See below for collection-specific details.








    index pipelines


    index profiles


    job configurations

    spark, type, or data-source



    object group


    parsing configurations


    query pipelines


    query profiles


    schedules for schedulable jobs (spark, type, or datasource)


    search cluster configurations








    Exporting and importing collections

    Collections are processed with these dependent objects:

    • features

    • index profiles

    • query profiles

    Datasources, parser configurations, and pipeline configurations are not included when collections are exported or imported. These must be exported and imported explicitly.

    Only user-created collections are included by default. Certain types of collections are excluded:

    • the "default" collection

    • collections whose type is not DATA

    • collections whose names start with "system_"

    • "Secondary" collections, that is, collections created by features

      Instead, create the same features on the target system; this automatically creates the corresponding secondary collections.

    You can override these exclusions by specifying a collection, like this:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?collection.ids=default >

    Encrypted passwords

    Some objects, such as datasources and query pipelines, include encrypted passwords for accessing secure data.

    • On export, these encrypted values are replaced with one of the following:

      • secret.dataSources.datasourceID.password


    • On import, the original, plaintext passwords must be provided in a separate JSON map as multipart form data:

      Passwords can also be uploaded via the UI. Variables that do not start with secret. are ignored.

    Import policies

    On import, the importPolicy parameter is required. It specifies what to do if any object in the import list already exists on the target system:


    If there are conflicts, then import nothing.


    If there are conflicts, then skip the conflicting objects.


    If there are conflicts, then overwrite or delete/create the conflicting objects on the target system.

    Filtering on export

    On export, there are two ways to specify the objects to include:

    • by type

      To export only specific types of objects, you can specify one or more object types using the type query string parameter. See Supported objects for a list of valid values.

    • by type and ID

      The type.ids parameter lets you list the IDs to match for the specified object type.

    The type and type.ids parameters can be combined as needed.

    Exporting linked objects

    Related Fusion objects are linked. You can view linked objects using the Links API or the Object Explorer.

    When exporting a specific Fusion object, you can also export its linked objects without specifying each one individually. To export all objects linked to the specified object, include the deep="true" query parameter in your request. See the example below.


    Objects are validated before import. If any objects fail validation, the whole import request is rejected. A separate endpoint is available for validating objects without importing them.

    Validation includes checking whether an object already exists on the target system and whether the user is authorized to create or modify the object.

    For collection objects, the following special validation is performed:

    • We check the searchClusterId of each collection and verify that a cluster with this ID exists on the target system or in the import file (error).

    • We check that features, index profiles, and query profiles belong only to the collections specified in the import file (error).

    • We check that a feature exists on the target system for each feature in the import file (error).

    • We check for index profiles or query profiles that do not exist on the target system or in the import file (warning).

    Status messages

    Validation completed with no errors

    The validation method was called and no errors found, though there may be warnings.

    Validation found errors

    The validation was called and errors found. Validation does not stop on the first error, so the complete list of errors is reported.

    Validation was not completed because of system error

    The validation was interrupted by system error.

    Import was not performed because validation errors exist

    The import method was called, but import didn’t start because of validation errors.

    Import was not performed because of input data error

    The import method was called, but import didn’t start, because Fusion could not find a substitution for one of the secret values in objects in import.

    Import was not completed because of system error

    The validation found no errors and import started, but it was interrupted by system error.

    Import was completed

    Validation found no errors and import finished successfully.


    Export all objects

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export >

    Export all datasources

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?type=datasource >

    Export a specific datasource and all its linked objects

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?datasource.ids=movies_csv-movies&deep=true >

    Export all apps

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?type=app >

    Get all app IDs, then export one app by ID

    [ {
      "id" : "movies",
      "name" : "Movies",
      "description" : "Search the movielens database.",
      "dataUri" : "/App-Tile-01-460x160.png",
      "properties" : {
        "headerImageName" : "headerImage1",
        "tileColor" : "apps-darkblue",
        "previousCollectionId" : "movies"
    }, {
      "id" : "tech-pubs",
      "name" : "TechPubs",
      "description" : "Search the documentation.",
      "dataUri" : "/App-Tile-02-460x160.png",
      "properties" : {
        "headerImageName" : "headerImage2",
        "tileColor" : "apps-darkblue",
        "previousCollectionId" : "tech-pubs"
    } ]
    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?app.ids=tech-pubs >
    When you export an app that includes objects that are shared with other apps, then all apps linked to that object are also exported.

    Export two apps by ID

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?app.ids=tech-pubs,movies >

    Export all datasources and pipelines, plus two specific parsing configurations

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD 'https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/export?type=datasource,index-pipeline,query-pipeline&parser.ids=movies,tech-pubs' >

    Import objects from a file and stop if there are conflicts

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X POST -F 'importData=@/Users/admin/Fusion/' https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/import?importPolicy=abort

    Import objects, substitute the password variables, and merge any conflicts

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X POST -F 'importData=@/Users/admin/Fusion/' -F 'variableValues=@password_file.json' https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/import?importPolicy=merge
    password_file.json must contain plaintext passwords.

    Import a zip file of Fusion objects and merge any conflicts

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X POST -F 'importData=@/Users/admin/Fusion/' https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/import?importPolicy=merge

    Import objects into the context of an app

    curl -v -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' -X POST -F '' 'https://<FUSION_HOST>/api/objects/import?importPolicy=overwrite&context=APP_NAME'

    Validate objects

    curl -v -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' -X POST -F 'https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/objects/validate'