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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Fallback Parser Stage

    The Fallback parser stage is useful for processing data that Fusion does not have a specified parsing process for. Fallback does not technically parse data, since it does not know what to do with it, it simply copies the raw bytes into a Solr document. If your Fusion parser stage configuration encounters data it does not know how to parse, such as someone’s proprietary data file format, it will copy it as-is, whereas if it encounters recognizable data in more common file types, such as PDFs, Fusion will parse the text and metadata using Tika.

    The Fallback parser acts as the final stage that attempts to parse any documents that haven’t been parsed already. More commonly, the parser selects a stage specifically built to handle the data and runs that stage.

    When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.

    If no previous parser stage was able to handle the stream, the fallback parser will copy the data into the _raw_content_ field for later parsing and analysis.

    id - string

    Default: eea53b52-1374-4ee1-97df-e900d6f2879b

    label - string

    A label for this Parser Stage

    <= 255 characters

    enabled - boolean

    Default: true

    mediaTypes - array[string]

    Documents with a media type on this list will be matched by this parser stage. See inheritMediaTypes / use default media types for more.

    inheritMediaTypes - boolean

    Each parser stage has a built-in list of media types it handles by default. If this setting is true, that list will be used along with any optional additional types provided in the mediaTypes list. If this setting is false, this stage will only be selected for media types in the mediaTypes list, and the mediaTypes list becomes a mandatory property which must have at least one valid media type.

    Default: true

    pathPatterns - array[object]

    Specify a file name or pattern that must be matched for this parser stage to run. Forward slashes ("/") are used to join names of files inside archives with the archive name.

    object attributes:{syntax : {
     display name: Pattern type
     type: string
    pattern : {
     display name: File name or pattern
     type: string

    errorHandling - string

    Default: mark

    Allowed values: ignorelogfailmark

    outputFieldPrefix - string

    Fields extracted by this parser will be prefixed with this string. The remainder of the field name will be as detected in the stream

    <= 20 characters

    Match pattern: ^$|^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+$

    metadataOnly - boolean

    Default: false

    maxBytesToKeep - integer

    Default: 1048576

    type - stringrequired

    Default: fallback

    Allowed values: fallback