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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Realms API

    Realms are used to authenticate users across several different user access control systems.

    There are two types of realms currently supported: native, which uses Fusion itself to manage users and passwords, and LDAP, which uses an LDAP server as the source of truth for usernames and passwords.

    Authenticating users with an LDAP system creates a user record in Fusion, which includes a property for the realm the user belongs to. This Fusion user record is used by administrators to grant users access permissions for the UI or REST API services.

    Create, Update, Delete or List Realms

    The path for this request is:


    where <id> is the ID of a realm. The ID is optional for a GET request and omitted from a POST request.

    A GET request returns the configured realms. If ID is omitted, all realms will be returned.

    A POST request creates a new realm. If the request is successful, a new ID will be generated.

    In order to see this object within the Fusion UI, it must be associated with an app. To do this, create the object using the /apps endpoint.

    A PUT request updates a realm.

    A DELETE request removes the realm.


    Parameter Description


    The name of the realm. This name will appear on the login screen of the UI, and will appear in user records to identify the realm they belong to.


    If true, the realm is available for users to use with system authentication.


    String value for realm type.

    Native realms store users in the Fusion database.

    LDAP realms connect to an LDAP server to verify the user’s ID and password. Configuration requires the following additional properties:

    Parameter Description


    The hostname of the LDAP server.


    The port to use when connecting to the LDAP server.


    If true, SSL will be used when connecting to the LDAP server.


    A string consisting of the LDAP server DN (Distinguished Name) and a single pair of curly braces ({}) which is a placeholder for the username.


    When creating a new realm, the output will include the properties for the realm just created, or an error to indicate a problem with the entry.

    For a GET request, the output will include all defined properties of the realm.

    For a DELETE or a PUT request, no output will be returned.


    Get details of the default 'native' realm:


    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/realm-configs/86df9b5b-4a1c-4b0b-bc10-25aee55fef63


        "enabled": true,
        "id": "86df9b5b-4a1c-4b0b-bc10-25aee55fef63",
        "name": "native",
        "realmType": "native"

    Create a realm to support LDAP authentication:


    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"realmType":"ldap", "name":"dev-ldap", "enabled":true, "config":{"host":"fusion-host", "port":10636 , "ssl":true, "bindDn":"uid={},ou=users,dc=security,dc=example,dc=com"} }' https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/realm-configs

