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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Synonyms Editor API

    API Objective: Update a synonyms file.

    See Synonyms Files for an overview and examples of how to specify a set of synonyms.


    Managing synonym file states

    List all available synonyms files along with its READY / NOT_READY statuses

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms'
    [ {
      "path" : "synonyms.txt",
      "state" : "NOT_READY"
    } ]

    Changing the synonym file’s state to READY opens all the synonyms browsing/editing APIs

    `curl -XPUT -H 'Content-type: application/json' '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt' -d '{"state":"READY"}'`

    Check editing READY / NOT_READY status for a single synonym file

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt'
      "path" : "synonyms.txt",
      "state" : "READY"

    Managing synonym file entries

    List all entries in a synonyms file

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items'
      "count" : 8,
      "items" : [ {
        "id" : "37488777-a668-49d8-a3fa-bc81a95a8d96",
        "mapping" : "aaafoo => aaabar",
        "enabled" : true,
        "type" : "EXPLICIT"
      }, {
        "id" : "d68f2a35-93d3-41a0-8b10-4768bd4619e8",
        "mapping" : "MB,mib,megabyte,megabytes",
        "enabled" : true,
        "type" : "EQUIVALENT"

    Add new entry to a synonyms file

    POST will return items with all of its data, including the ID and modified timestamp. Also note, the type property is read-only and is returned based on and not , mapping.
    curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items' -d '
      "mapping": "term1, term2",
      "category": "cat1",
      "enabled": "false"
      "id" : "01cd53f7-1941-499e-ba5e-fb35ec6bd20c",
      "mapping" : "term1, term2",
      "category" : "cat1",
      "modified" : "2015-11-03T01:30:21.530Z",
      "enabled" : false,
      "type" : "EQUIVALENT"

    Update an entry in a synonyms file

    curl -XPUT -H 'Content-type: application/json' '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items/01cd53f7-1941-499e-ba5e-fb35ec6bd20c' -d '
      "mapping": "term1, term2, term3",
      "category" : "cat1",
      "enabled": "true"

    Delete an entry in a synonyms file

    curl -XDELETE '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items/58f94a0e-473d-4719-b87c-d9908c84c89b'

    Search, filter, or sort synonyms

    Fusion supports Solr query language, so you can use it to refine your search in the following ways:
    • Show only explicit mappings with q=type:EXPLICIT

    • Show only disabled mappings with q=enabled:false

    • Sort using sort=category asc , sort=modified desc , or sort=type asc

    • Filter by user (q=user:<username>) and modified date (modified:[NOW-1DAY TO *])

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items?q=category:cat1'
      "count" : 1,
      "items" : [ {
        "id" : "01cd53f7-1941-499e-ba5e-fb35ec6bd20c",
        "mapping" : "term1, term2, term3",
        "category" : "cat1",
        "modified" : "2015-11-03T01:33:58.132Z",
        "enabled" : true,
        "type" : "EQUIVALENT"
      } ]

    Get term suggestions from synonyms or categories for autocomplete/autosuggest purposes

    • Get suggestions for categories

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/suggestions?field=category&q=ca'
    [ "cat1" ]
    • Get suggestions for terms

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/suggestions?field=mapping&q=te'
    [ "term1", "term2", "television", "televisions", "term3" ]
    • Get suggestions for both terms and categories

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt/suggestions?q=c'
    [ "cat1", "cccbar", "cccbaz", "cccfoo" ]

    Committing and flushing

    Determine whether a commit or flush is required

    curl '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt'
      "path" : "synonyms.txt",
      "state" : "NOT_SAVED"

    Flush or commit changes

    curl -XPUT -H 'Content-type: application/json' '/collections/logs/synonyms/synonyms.txt' -d '{"state":"READY"}'

    Importing and exporting

    Export synonyms into a csv file

    curl -v -H 'Accept: text/csv' '/collections/test/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items'
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Set-Cookie: id=81e42c0c-bb71-43a4-ae79-39a832f2f3ab;HttpOnly;Path=/api
    < Content-Type: text/csv
    "f52a08c5-6a32-4ff5-8603-2540ef9d7899","aaafoo => aaabar",,true,,,EXPLICIT
    "da061429-37a0-439a-8117-2e2691d4de1a","bbbfoo => bbbfoo bbbbar",,true,,,EXPLICIT
    "d1260556-eb2d-4fb2-83b0-f124b82a3c88","cccfoo => cccbar cccbaz",,true,,,EXPLICIT
    "ebf9e483-80c5-4bcf-b4f2-f0d59c14ef87","Television, Televisions, TV, TVs",,true,,,EQUIVALENT
    "e9e32949-751d-4461-897f-3be04be3575b","pixima => pixma",,true,,,EXPLICIT

    Import synonyms from csv file

    curl -v '/collections/test/synonyms/synonyms.txt/items' -H 'Content-type: text/csv' -X POST -d 'id,mapping,category,enabled,modified,user,type
    "f52a08c5-6a32-4ff5-8603-2540ef9d7899","aaafoo => aaabar",,true,,,EXPLICIT
    > Content-type: text/csv
    < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content