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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Solr API

    Table of Contents

    The Solr API is used to manage collection-level configurations.

    The path for this request is:


    where <collectionName> is the name of an specific collection and <solrRequest> is the Solr command you wish to run.

    Since this API proxies requests to Solr, each available method corresponds to the method in Solr. So, a GET request to Solr would use the GET method of this endpoint; a POST would use the POST method, etc.

    Depending on the request, the response may consist of records that match a query or output from a Schema API request.


    Query Solr for documents in the 'docs' collection containing the term 'solr', limiting the results to only 2 records, returning only the title, and in JSON format:


        "responseHeader": {
            "status": 0,
            "QTime": 2,
            "params": {
                "fl": "title",
                "q": "solr",
                "wt": "json",
                "rows": "2"
        "response": {
            "numFound": 52,
            "start": 0,
            "docs": [
                    "title": [
                        "Solr and SolrAdmin APIs - Fusion Documentation - Lucidworks"
                    "title": [
                        "Search Clusters - Fusion Documentation - Lucidworks"