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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Filter Short Fields Index Stage

    A Filter Short Fields index stage removes short field values from a pipeline document according to a set of filters where each filter specifies a field name and a minimum length. All field values less than the specified length will be removed from the document.

    For the REST API, this stage type is "filter-short-fields".

    Example Stage Specification

    Remove entities in the author_s field that are less than 3 characters:

      "type" : "filter-short-fields",
      "id" : "short-stage",
      "filters" : [ {
        "sourceField" : "author_s",
        "length" : 3
      } ],
      "skip" : false


    When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.

    Filter for removing short fields based on the length of the field values

    skip - boolean

    Set to true to skip this stage.

    Default: false

    label - string

    A unique label for this stage.

    <= 255 characters

    condition - string

    Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.

    filters - array[object]

    object attributes:{sourceField required : {
     display name: Source Field
     type: string
    length required : {
     display name: Minimum Length
     type: integer