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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Fusion Server Directories, Files, and Ports

    Configuration files

    Fusion configuration files are stored in https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/conf/ (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2.x\conf\ (on Windows). The contents of this directory are as follows:

    Fusion’s main configuration file, which defines the common environment variables used by the Fusion run scripts.

    Many of the values in this file can be set using environment variables, enabling you to set them using systemd, Docker, and so on. Default values are also provided. For example, in api.port = ${API_PORT:-8765}, the value is 8765 unless API_PORT is defined.

    NOTE: ZOOKEEPER_PORT cannot not be used, and value of zookeeper.port in must be the same as the value of clientPort in conf/zookeeper/zoo.cfg.

    Many of the values in this file can be set using environment variables, enabling you to set them using systemd, Docker, and so on. Default values are also provided. For example, in api.port = ${API_PORT:-8765}, the value is 8765 unless API_PORT is defined.

    NOTE: ZOOKEEPER_PORT cannot not be used, and value of zookeeper.port in fusion.cors must be the same as the value of clientPort in conf/zookeeper/zoo.cfg.


    Configuration for Fusion’s Serializer/Deserializer (SerDe) for Hive.


    ZooKeeper configuration files.


    Logging configuration files.

    Fusion uses the Apache Log4j 2 logging framework with Jetty. Log levels, frequencies, and log rotation policy can be configured by changing these configuration files. See the Log4j2 Configuration guide.

    Port configuration

    Fusion services run in their own JVM and listen for requests on a number of ports. Environment variables, set in a common configuration file, are used to specify the port a service uses. To change the port(s) a service uses, you must change the settings in the configuration file.

    Default ports

    This table lists the default port numbers used by Fusion processes. Port settings are defined in the file in https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/conf/ (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2.x\conf\ (on Windows).

    Port Service


    Fusion agent


    Fusion UI service (use port 8764 to access the Fusion UI)


    Fusion proxy

    This service includes the Fusion Authorization Proxy.


    Fusion API Services


    Spark Master


    Spark Worker


    Connectors RPC Service

    This service can distribute connector jobs to as many Fusion nodes as you want. It uses HTTP/2 and has an SDK that you can use to build your own connectors.


    Web Apps

    This service delivers the UIs of Fusion apps.


    Log shipper

    Monitoring port that agent uses to check the health of the log shipper process. This port does not need to be accessible from other nodes.



    This is the embedded Solr instance included in the Fusion distribution.


    Connectors Classic Service

    This service runs nondistributed connector jobs. It uses HTTP/1.1 and has no SDK.



    The embedded ZooKeeper used by Fusion services.

    The ZooKeeper port is also defined in the configuration file for the embedded ZooKeeper, https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/conf/zookeeper/zoo.cfg (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2.x\conf\zookeeper\zoo.cfg (on Windows). Look for clientPort. If you run Fusion with the embedded ZooKeeper, remember to change the port number in both places.


    Apache Ignite TCP communication port range (used by the API, Connectors Classic, Connectors RPC, and Proxy services)


    Apache Ignite shared memory port range (used by the API, Connectors Classic, Connectors RPC, and Proxy services)


    Apache Ignite discovery port range (used by API, Connectors Classic, Connectors RPC, and Proxy services)

    Jetty ports

    Jetty is used to run the Admin UI, API, Connectors Classic, Proxy, Solr, and Web Apps services. For each of these services, Jetty runs the service on the assigned port and listens on a second port for shutdown requests. Therefore, defines pairs of ports for components running on Jetty, such as:

    api.port = ${API_PORT:-8765}
    api.stopPort = 7765

    Spark ports

    This table lists the default port numbers used by Spark processes in Fusion.

    Port number Process


    SparkContext web UI


    Shuffle port for Apache Spark worker


    Spark master web UI


    Spark worker web UI


    Spark master listening port


    Spark worker listening port

    8772 (spark.driver.port)

    Spark driver listening port

    8788 (spark.blockManager.port)

    Spark BlockManager port

    If a port is not available, Spark uses the next available port by adding 1 to the assigned port number. For example, if 4040 is not available, Spark uses 4041 (if available, or 4042, and so forth).

    Ensure that the ports in the above table are accessible, as well as a range of up to 16 subsequent ports. For example, open ports 8772 through 8787, and 8788 through 8804, because a single node can have more than one Spark driver and Spark BlockManager.


    The directory where the Fusion files go for a specific version of Fusion is the Fusion home directory. The Fusion home directory is a version-numbered directory (for example, 4.2.2) below the directory fusion. This installation strategy lets you install multiple versions of Fusion and switch between them.

    The directories found in the Fusion home directory in https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/ (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2\ (on Windows) are:

    Name Description


    Fusion components 3rd-party distributions used by Fusion, including jar files and plugins


    Master script to run Fusion, and per-component run scripts


    Configuration files for Fusion and ZooKeeper that contain parameters settings tuned for common use cases


    Default location of data stores used by Fusion apps


    License information


    Fusion signals example


    systemd and upstart scripts and configurations for Linux


    Developer utilities, including diagnostic scripts, for Linux and Windows. See scripts/diag/linux/README and scripts/diag/win64/README.txt for details.


    Log files and system files created by Fusion components, as well as .pid files for each running process

    To simplify access to the latest version of Fusion and to files in the bin, conf, and var directories, Fusion creates a symbolic link latest to the latest version and symbolic links bin, conf, and var to latest/bin, latest/conf, and latest/var respectively.

    For example, if latest is 4.2.1, then instead of entering this command to change to the bin directory:

    cd /path/to/fusion/4.2.1/bin

    You could just type:

    cd /path/to/fusion/latest/bin

    To avoid possible confusion in the documentation, we spell out the path below the fusion directory.

    From the fusion directory, you can view the symbolic links by typing:

    find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -ls

    To change the version of Fusion to which the symbolic links refer, unlink and relink latest. For example:

    cd /path/to/fusion
    unlink latest
    link -s 4.2.2 latest

    Log files

    Log files are found in directories under https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/var/log/ (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2.x\var\log\ (on Windows).

    Because the Fusion components run in separate JVMs, each component has its own set of log files and files that monitor all garbage-collection events for that process.

    Name Description

    admin-ui, webapps

    Fusion UI messages. Messages are logged to jetty-<date>.stderrout.log.


    Fusion agent logging and error messages


    Fusion REST API services logging and error messages. This log shows the result of service requests submitted to the REST API directly via HTTP and indirectly via the Fusion UI.


    Fusion connector services logging and error messages. Fusion index pipeline logging stages write to this file.


    See Configure Fusion logging


    Messages from the Fusion proxy, responsible for authentication and HTTP load balancing.


    Messages from Solr


    Spark-master logs


    Spark-worker logs


    SQL logs


    ZooKeeper messages

    Every component logs all messages to a log file named <component>.log. For example, the full path to the log file for the connectors services is https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/var/log/connectors/connectors.log (on Unix or macOS) or fusion\4.2.x\var\log\connectors\connectors.log (on Windows).

    In addition to component log files, every component maintains a set of garbage-collection log files that are used for resource tuning. The garbage-collection log files are named gc_<YYYYMMDD>_<PID>.log.<CT>. In addition, the current garbage-collection log file has suffix .current.

    The Fusion API, Fusion UI, Connectors Classic, Proxy, Web Apps, and Solr services all run inside a Jetty server. The Jetty server logs are also written to each component’s log file directory. The Jetty server logs are named:

    • jetty-YYYY_MM_DD.request.log

    • jetty-YYYY_MM_DD.stderrout.log