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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Spark Components

    Table of Contents

    This diagram shows the Spark components available from Fusion:

    Spark components in Fusion

    Spark components in Fusion

    • Application. An active SparkContext in the Spark Master web UI, which consists of a classpath and a configuration.

      Jobs submitted to the cluster always run as classes in a specific application, that is, using the application’s classpath and configuration.

    • SparkDriver. The Spark driver program, a JVM process launched by the Fusion API service to execute Fusion jobs in Spark SparkDriver creates and manages SparkContext for the Fusion application, and stops SparkContext when it is no longer needed.

    • Spark master (spark-master): Agent-managed Fusion service that coordinates worker processes and applications in a Spark cluster.

      You should run at least 2 spark-master processes per cluster to achieve high-availability. ZooKeeper determines which spark-master process is the leader and handles fail-over.

    • Spark worker (spark-worker): Agent-managed Fusion service that launches executors for Spark applications. Spark-workers communicate with the master to launch executors for an application.

    • SQL service (sql): Agent-managed Fusion service that runs Spark’s thrift-based SQL engine. It provides JDBC access to a Spark cluster.

    • Spark shell (spark-shell): Wrapper script provided with Fusion to launch the Spark Scala REPL shell with the correct master URL (pulled from Fusion’s API) and a shaded Fusion JAR added.

    • Custom script job. A Fusion job that executes a custom Scala script using the Spark shell.

    • Spark Job Workbench. A toolkit provided by Lucidworks to help build custom Spark jobs using Scala, Java, or Python. See Spark Job Workbench.

    • CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend. Executor process(es) launched by a spark-worker to execute the tasks for a specific application, such as the spark-shell.

    • Shaded JAR. The Fusion API service creates an assembly jar (also call an uber jar) that contains all of the dependencies needed to use spark-solr and Fusion classes within a Spark job.

      Classes that conflict with classes on Spark’s classpath are shaded to ensure that Fusion classes use the correct version.