Class FacetRange

  • public class FacetRange
    extends FacetBase
    Range facets parameters
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacetRange

        public FacetRange​(java.lang.String field,
                          java.lang.String start,
                          java.lang.String end,
                          java.lang.String gap,
                          java.lang.Boolean hardEnd,
                          java.lang.Integer minCount,
                          java.util.List<FacetRange.Include> include,
                          java.util.List<FacetRange.Other> other,
                          FacetDomain domain)
    • Method Detail

      • getMinCount

        public java.lang.Integer getMinCount()
        minimum count. Specifies the minimum counts required for a facet field to be included in the response.
      • getStart

        public java.lang.String getStart()
        the start of the facet range
      • getEnd

        public java.lang.String getEnd()
        the end of the facet range
      • getGap

        public java.lang.String getGap()
        the span of the range as a value to be added to the lower bound
      • getHardEnd

        public java.lang.Boolean getHardEnd()
        A boolean parameter that specifies how a range gap that cannot be evenly divided between the range start and end values is handled. If true, the last range constraint will have the getEnd() value an upper bound. If false, the last range will have the smallest possible upper bound greater then getEnd() such that the range is the exact width of the specified range gap. The default value for this parameter is false
      • getInclude

        public java.util.List<FacetRange.Include> getInclude()
        a list of flags that specify inclusion and exclusion preferences for the upper and lower bounds of the range.
      • getOther

        public java.util.List<FacetRange.Other> getOther()
        a list that specifies counts to include in addition to the counts for each facet range constraint.