Class FacetDomain

  • public class FacetDomain
    extends DslCloneable
    Changes to the set of documents the facet is computed on. Facets are computed over a set of documents, called the "domain" of the facet. By default this domain is documents matching the main query and filters in QueryDefinition. However, some use-cases require computing facets on a broader, narrower, or otherwise modified set of documents. FacetDomain encapsulates all the supported mechanisms for making these domain modifications.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacetDomain

        public FacetDomain​(java.util.List<Query> additionalFilters,
                           java.util.List<java.lang.String> filtersToExclude)
    • Method Detail

      • getAdditionalFilters

        public java.util.List<Query> getAdditionalFilters()
        filters used to narrow the domain this facet is computed over.
      • getExcludedFiltersByName

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExcludedFiltersByName()
        A list of filter "names" to ignore when calculating facet counts. Each name in this list must correspond to the name of a filter specified in QueryDefinition.getNamedFilters()