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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Esri Web Maps

    Table of Contents

    The Esri Web Map tag is used within the Geo Map tag to present content from an ArcGIS web map hosted with Esri or on premises.


    If the web map is hosted with Esri, you can add the web map without a portal URL by specifying the web map ID. (For example,

    <geo:map provider="esri" response="response" address-field="customer_address" label-field="name" height="700px">
       <esri:webmap id="de87749b005346d59e1cd34275154c96"></esri:webmap>

    If the web map is hosted on your own servers, simply specify the web map ID and the URL of the server; for example:

    <geo:map provider="esri" response="response" address-field="customer_address" label-field="name" height="700px">
       <esri:webmap id="de87749b005346d59e1cd34275154c96" url=""></esri:webmap>

    To see all related attributes, see the esri:webmap tag documentation.