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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Cell tag

    Table of Contents

    The Cell tag displays the value of a given field from a search result as a table cell. The Cell tag supports a number of features in displaying the value, such as date formatting, adding a suffix or prefix, and default values.


    Place the Cell tag inside the body of a Row tag. The order of the cell tags within a row should match the order of the Header Cell tags within the table’s Header tag. In this example, a table contains three columns and displays the "full_name", "address", and "dob" fields for each document in the given search response.

    <table:result-list response="response">
            <table:header-cell name="full_name" label="Name" sort="true"></table:header-cell>
            <table:header-cell name="address" label="Address" sort="true"></table:header-cell>
            <table:header-cell name="dob" label="Date of birth" sort="true"></table:header-cell>
                <table:cell name="full_name" query="query"></table:cell>
                <table:cell name="address"</table:cell>
                <table:cell name="dob" date-format="dd/MM/yyyy"</table:cell>

    For a complete list of attributes, see the table:cell tag doc.