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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    JobsConfiguration specifications

    Managed Fusion provides the ability to run jobs against your data collections.

    To create or configure the jobs detailed in reference topics in this section, sign in to Managed Fusion and click Collections > Jobs. Then click Add+ to create a new job or select an existing job you want to configure.

    The jobs described in this section have a subtype property with one of these values:

    These additional jobs also have reference topics in this section:

    • Supervised classification jobs such as Build Training Data and Classification

    • Recommendation Jobs such as BPR Recommender and Content based Recommender

    • Cluster Labeling and Document Clustering jobs

    Jobs with the a subtype of datasource have configuration schemas that depend on the connector type. For more information, see Connectors Configuration Reference. You cannot create, run, or schedule datasource subtype jobs in the Collections > Jobs screen.

    For conceptual information and instructions about configuring and scheduling jobs, see Jobs and Schedules.

    Lucidworks offers free training to help you get started with Fusion. Check out the Managing and Scheduling Jobs quick learning, which focuses on how to create, configure, and schedule jobs using the Fusion UI:

    Managing and Scheduling Jobs

    Visit the LucidAcademy to see the full training catalog.