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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Index Pipeline StagesConfiguration specifications

    Index Pipeline stages are used to create and modify PipelineDocument objects. Use the Index Workbench to configure stages in a pipeline and preview the results.

    Global pipeline stage properties

    • type: The type of the pipeline stage. This must be one of the defined Managed Fusion pipeline stage types, such as index-logging. If the Managed Fusion UI is used to define the stage, this property is filled in automatically.

    • label: A string field with a maximum length of 255 characters. The label is displayed on the Managed Fusion UI.

    • skip: A boolean value. If true, pipeline processing bypasses this stage. The default is false.

    • condition: A JavaScript expression that evaluates to true (1) or false (0). If this condition evaluates to false, this stage is skipped. The default is true.

    Pipeline Condition Expression

    The JavaScript expression specified in the condition property of a pipeline stage has access the pipeline objects.

    Index Pipeline Stage Condition Example

    An index PipelineDocument has two available variables: doc and ctx.

    To check whether pipeline document contains a named field:


    Query pipeline stage Condition Example

    To process a query based the query request object:

    request.hasParam("fusion-user-name") && request.getFirstParam("fusion-user-name").equals("SuperUser");

    The first condition checks that the request parameter fusion-user-name is present and has the value SuperUser. The second condition checks that the request parameter isFusionPluginQuery is not present.