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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Add a push data sourceManage Springboard data sources

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    This topic details how to add a push data source associated with a Springboard application.

    1. Sign in to Springboard.

    2. In the Applications Manager screen, select the application to add the new data source, and then select the new browser tab the system opens.

    3. If you are adding:

      • The initial data source for the application:

        • In the application’s Hub screen, click Configure.

        • In the Welcome screen, click Get Started.

        • In the Add external content source screen, click the Push data source type.

      • An additional push data source:

        • In the application’s Hub screen, click the Data Sources icon in the left panel, or scroll to the Data Sources section of the screen and click Manage in the top right corner of the section.

        • In the Data Sources screen, click +New in the top right corner.

        • In the Add data source screen, click Push.

    4. In the Data source name field, enter a short name. For example, push_from_EXTERNAL_COMPANY_NAME.

    5. In the Labels field, enter optional values to identify the data source. For example, push.

    6. In the Region field, select the region to ingest your data source’s data in.

      Region selection is permanent.
    7. Click Save.

    8. If you are adding:

      • The initial data source for the application, the Summary screen displays a message that the data source has been created. Click Finish to close the wizard.

      • An additional push data source, the new data source displays in the Data Sources page.

    9. In the Data Sources page, verify the new data source is listed with its current status.

      The data source may take several minutes to be created before you can send Push API requests.

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