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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Delete a ModelLucidworks AI

    This topic details how to delete a Lucidworks AI model.

    1. In the Lucidworks AI screen, click the Custom Models tab.

    2. In the Custom Models screen, click the model you want to delete.

    3. In the Model Details screen, click the Training Details tab if it is not already displayed.

    4. Click Delete. The Custom Models screen displays and that model displays with a status of "Deleting".

    Before you can delete a model, you must delete all deployments associated with the model you want to delete.

    If the Delete button is not displayed, the model is associated with deployments. For example, if the model is associated with two deployments, 2 Active Deployments: Deleting Disabled displays instead of the Delete button. This example indicates there are two current deployments for the model, and based on the status of those deployments, the option to delete the model is disabled.