Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Configure Multiple Nodepool Implementations

    Lucidworks recommends isolating search workloads from analytics workloads using multiple node pools. The included scripts do not do this for you; this is a manual process.

    1. Run the script with the following arguments:

      ./ \
      -c demo \ (1)
      -n fusion-lw \ (2)
      --provider k8s \
      --node-pool {} \ (3)
      --with-resource-limits \
      --with-affinity-rules \
      1 The name of your cluster. This example uses demo.
      2 The name of your namespace.
      3 By using the empty value {} as the value for the --node-pool argument, the script leaves the nodePools values unassigned. Assign these values in a later step.

      The example above outputs the following:

      Created Fusion custom values yaml: k8s_ demo_fusion-lw_fusion_values.yaml
      Created Monitoring custom values yaml: k8s_ demo_fusion-lw_monitoring_values.yaml. Keep this file handy as you'll need it to customize your Monitoring installation.
      Create k8s_ for upgrading you Fusion cluster. Please keep this script along with your custom values yaml file(s) in version control.
      Update nodeSelector values for k8s_ demo_fusion-lw_fusion_values.yaml and update the solr to use nodepool
    2. Update Solr in k8s_demo_fusion-lw_fusion_values.yaml to add nodePools. The fusion_node_type value connects the Solr nodePools values to the corresponding node pool.

          - name: "" (1)
          - name: "analytics" (2)
            javaMem: "-Xmx6g"
            replicaCount: 6
            storageSize: "100Gi"
              fusion_node_type: analytics (3)
                cpu: 2
                memory: 12Gi
                cpu: 3
                memory: 12Gi
          - name: "search" (4)
            javaMem: "-Xms11g -Xmx11g"
            replicaCount: 12
            storageSize: "50Gi"
              fusion_node_type: search (5)
                cpu: "7700m"
                memory: "26Gi"
                cpu: "7000m"
                memory: "25Gi"
 default-pool (6)
      1 The empty string "" is the suffix for the default partition.
      2 Overrides the settings for the analytics Solr pods.
      3 Assigns the analytics Solr pods to the node pool and attaches the label fusion_node_type=analytics. You can use the fusion_node_type property in Solr auto-scaling policies to govern replica placement during collection creation.
      4 Overrides the settings for the search Solr pods
      5 Assigns the search Solr pods to the node pool and attaches the label fusion_node_type=search.
      6 Sets the default settings for all Solr pods, if not specifically overridden in the nodePools section above.
      Do not edit the nodePools value "".
      Only use a single fusion_node_type value per Solr nodeSelector value.
    3. Update k8s_demo_fusion-lw_fusion_values.yaml to add appropriate nodeSelector values for all desired services.

    4. Run the script:


      The output resembles the following:

      namespace/fusion-lw created
      Created namespace fusion-lw with owner label
      Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
      ... (1)
      NAME: fusion-lw
      LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Sep 15 18:25:55 2021
      NAMESPACE: fusion-lw
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
      fusion-lw       fusion-lw       1               2021-09-15 18:25:55.1470127 -0500 CDT   deployed        fusion-5.4.2    5.4.2
      1 The …​ indicates some parts of the output are removed to shorten the example response.
    5. Install Prometheus and Grafana so you can monitor Fusion metrics by running the following:

      ./ --provider k8s -c demo -n fusion-lw

      The output resembles the following:

      Adding the stable chart repo to helm repo list
      "stable" has been added to your repositories
      Installing Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring Fusion metrics ... this can take a few minutes.
      NAME: fusion-lw-monitoring
      LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Sep 15 22:59:28 2021
      NAMESPACE: fusion-lw
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      The Prometheus server can be accessed via port 80 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
      Successfully installed Prometheus and Grafana into the fusion-lw namespace.
      NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
      fusion-lw               fusion-lw       1               2021-09-15 18:25:55.1470127 -0500 CDT   deployed        fusion-5.4.2            5.4.2
      fusion-lw-monitoring    fusion-lw       1               2021-09-15 22:59:28.9054416 -0500 CDT   deployed        fusion-monitoring-1.0.0 1.0.0
    6. Update the Solr collections to use specific nodes. Apply the Solr policy and run This script deletes the collections and recreates them with the new policy. Check the scripts for details on collection names.

      Update Solr collections to land on specific nodes

      Update Solr collections to land on specific nodes